Chapter Ten

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Aight...we are just gonna deal with the fact that 'T' is a little weakling and much smaller than his 600ft size XD
I looked back at what I had written last night and I didn't mind it, but I just didn't really feel like changing it. Besides you can blame Black Betty - Ram Jam for the cowboy themed fight with Gipsy and 'T' 
My sister had this blasting and I just got a stupid idea to write it like a bull riding thang.
And it is the song of this chapter, so yeah. Enjoy it. And Some hurt..heh..don't worry he lives.

Also, might add mass displacement chips for the Cons'...Maybe for the Bots'. I just think it might be a bit better that way considering how large Gipsy Danger is. She could just smack Megatron to the side and the war would be won lol. *looks off into distance, whistling*




Koda sighed and pulled the rod back to inspect it for a moment, "Dude you just need a single strike then you can work!"

She hit the welding rod against Gipsy Danger's thigh for a moment then a bright spark emitted for a second, "HA! Take that you bastard! I don't need help welding."

Moving to the steel plating that Ratchet insisted he put on, even though he just tacked it. Koda understood his worry, she was only one human compared to the large piece of metal.

Shifting the portable welder on her back, Koda took out the old welding rod and grabbed a new one from the pocket in her pants.

She flicked down her helmet and hit the metal lightly, striking the arc properly and earning a spark which turned into the weld. If she moved too fast then the puddle and weld would break and the stick would get stuck. Too slow and well...the rod would get stuck in the puddle. It had to be perfect timing.

As the small puddle of molten metal formed, Koda began to slowly move the rod towards her, not too slow nor too fast, earning a good, strong weld. Under her helmet she smiled, knowing the lessons with Tendo and a few other repair men paid off.

After working for a few hours Koda took a step back from the great machine and observed her work. Nodding slowly, "It'll do...It'll do," She muttered softly.

Blaring alarms suddenly filled the room, Koda's eyes went wide and she ran out into the main area. She looked over at Ratchet, "What's going on?!"

The medic shuffled around and glanced up at the main monitor, "Decepticon signal," he answered, not jumping as the Autobots ran over to the bridge.

Bulkhead slammed his fists together, "Open the bridge doc, we got some Cons' to scrap!"

The medic nodded, though as Optimus walked past him, battle mask engaged, he spoke quietly, only loud enough for Koda to hear, "It's an energon mine. With stocks running low...We can't afford injury without bringing it back."

Optimus gently moved his friend's servos away from his forearm, "Understood, we will be careful Old Friend."

The medic nodded and swiftly put the coordinates into the ground bridge, he pulled the lever and the green and blue vortex opened.

"Autobots," Optimus looked around at the three other warriors before starting for the bridge, "Roll out!"

One by one the Bots' disappeared, Koda watched in awe as the bridge closed behind them. She glanced up at the main monitor, watching the four Autobot com-links turn on and connect to base.

The sounds of blaster fire almost immediately filled her ears, putting her on edge. Ratchet's frame also stiffened.

For the next while, Koda and Ratchet listened in on the gunfire and insults thrown at the Autobots.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now