Chapter Twelve

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Enjoyyyy :D
Also made a little wallpaper, I was bored and wanted to try something out XD
I actually quite like it, that's me though. Just something that surrounds the story but mainly surrounds Optikoda (still love that name btw lol)


"Why isn't she here?" Miko asked, yawning as she fell into the worn yellow couch comfortably. Her head rested against the soft armrest. It was 9pm, on a Friday, the kids used the same old excuse, sleeping over at a friend's place. Which really meant sleeping at the Autobot's base. Technically they were telling the truth.

Jack shrugged, "Shopping?"

The girl scoffed, "The person who doesn't even own bed sheets went shopping? And at 9pm?"

Raf looked over at Miko, spotting Sebastain curled up by the girl's legs, "She doesn't have any bedsheets?"

"I snuck in there when she was out on patrol with OP. All she's got is a few clothes, some books, pictures and a mattress. With a tiny, thin throw blanket."

As Raf went to reply to Miko's explanation, a deep rumble came down the tunnel, tuning out the two smaller vehicles following after. The kids rose from their seats to watch Optimus, Ratchet and Bumblebee enter the base. Sebastian followed after, disappointed at his short nap. Though they were surprised when the Bots' transformed.

Raf peeked over the railing, "Where is Koda?"

Optimus clenched his servos, "She is currently residing in a medical facility," He explained in a monotone voice.

The young boy's eyes widened, "What happened?!"

"She experienced what you humans would refer to as a seizure," Ratchet grumbled, shaking his helm, "I knew I should have started looking into human medicine sooner...If-"

A dark gray servo rested on the medics shoulder, "It is not your fault Old Friend. None of us knew what was happening..."

"I am sorry," Bumblebee whispered, glancing up at his leader, the Prime's azure optics widened slightly, "It was my fault. If I hadn't taken her out on the mission, then maybe she wouldn't be in the hospital right now."

"Bumblebee, calm yourself, this was not your fault," Ratchet pleaded softly, he didn't want to see the young scout blame himself for something he didn't do. Nor could he have changed the outcome, "Humans are...complicated. Sometimes they're body fails suddenly, and they are either able to recover from it, or they pass."

"Is she okay?" Miko asked, the three Bots' turned their gaze to her.

"Does she need anything?" Raf added.

"We can get anything she requires," Jack confirmed, "I'm sure I can talk to my Mum about getting you back in there. Doctors won't let people in who aren't family."

"I will gather a new set of attire for her when she is allowed to leave," The Prime was already headed down the hallway, unaware of the gray tabby trailing behind him.

"You three should get some rest, we will let you know if anything changes," Ratchet coaxed them back over to the couch and chair. Blankets were stored in the milkcrate and the small couch pillows would be soft enough to use for sleep. Once the three were settled down, Ratchet turned to Bumblebee, "You should also get some recharge, we should not bother Arcee and Bulkhead till tomorrow. They too require rest."

"I'll see you in the morning," The yellow and black mech slowly walked down the hallway and disappeared into his berthroom. Which left Ratchet alone, he walked over to the med bay and began to work on a few of his projects in silence.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now