Chapter Twenty One

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I did rush through Crisscross a bit, but I didn't want this chapter to be based solely around that episode. So when this chapter starts, we're gonna be about half way through the episode. Alsooo...get ready for some Rescue Bots next chapter!!! Might be going back in time~ *eyes Morocco* It's been a little too long since I touched RB and welp, that's the Optikoda vacation time XD

So, short chapter, butttt long one next time!!! So be prepareeeeddd (what's that one disney song with those lyrics? Lion King?...maybe) for that :D


"Hey Koda, you here?" Miko called out, stepping into the room. She glanced up at the Mark III settled in the corner, her eyes twinkled with amazement upon seeing the Jaeger. She knew she wouldn't ever get bored of seeing it.

The smaller bedroom door opened and Koda exited the room, "What's wrong?"

"Why do you assume the worst in everything?" The teen questioned, quirking her eyebrow up curiously.

"Just happens I guess," Koda shrugged, leaning against her doorway, "So, what's up? Hell, why are you even still here? It's like 10 isn't it?"

Miko nodded, "Yep, but I'm bunking it tonight," She glanced towards Gipsy, Koda followed the girl's gaze, "Jack might be in a bit of a pickle..."

Koda's shoulders stiffened, "What?"

"Well, I didn't get much. And I know doc bot needs his rest, but a transmission came through on the communication system–"

"Where?" Koda demanded, interrupting the younger girl.

"Jasper, the sand plant," The replied swiftly as Koda walked up to her, she shrunk back slightly, "He said Arachnid was there, MECH too. His mum was captured by them."

"Okay," Koda nodded, she pointed to the door, "Is anyone else here?"

"Bee's sleeping, as is Bulk. I don't know where Optimus is."

"Listen," She gently patted Miko's shoulder, "I'm going to need you to get in contact with Fowler. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes!" Miko beamed, running out of the room and into the main part of the base. Koda suited up, climbing into Gipsy. She knew it was a stretch to bring a Jaeger into a populated area, but it shouldn't be seen at night. Besides, Fowler could get his way around it so that the incident wasn't known; if Gipsy was spotted.

She slipped into the first control system of the con-pod and overrode the warning on use for a single pilot. Then proceed to begin the drift with the great machine, running through the harshest of memories that Gipsy had experienced. It had always been that way, even when she drifted with Raleigh, she was forced to his memories and he saw hers, and they were never pleasant. Then again, according to the PPDC the worse the memories, the stronger the bond with the pilot, or in Koda's case, Jaeger.

As Gipsy's nuclear core powered up, alongside the amber screen which brightened, the statistics and health of the machine popped up on the screen. As the Jaeger fully activated, Koda stepped out of her berthroom, attempting to be as quiet as she could. Though Gipsy's pedes were rather large and it was hard to control how silent she could be. But as she entered the main silo she relaxed, having not woken anybody.

She stepped over to the tunnel and glanced down at it, "What I would give to be a Cybertronian right now..." She whispered, wandering back to the ground bridge, activating it to the sand plant outside of Jasper, "No ground bridges, just being able to drive to the destination."

As she pressed the coordinates into the ground bridge's controls she pushed the thought away, pulling back the lever, opening the blue and green vortex.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now