Chapter Fifteen

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Ehhh this is more of a random filler with a fight scene that looked cool in my head and I just hope I portrayed it well on here XD

I wrote this during my spare time in classes today(so sorry if this isn't up to your standards), hope y'all enjoy :D
And yes, the wooden poles are here. And you know what that means if you know Pacific Rim heheh. Maybe, or maybe not, don't know. But a drift would be pretty cool in my opinion, between Koda and Optimus?


"Again!" Miko cheered from beside Bulkhead. Everyone was gathered in the training room. Matts were placed on the floor to let everyone have a soft landing after the spar.

Koda rose to her feet, panting as she wiped the bit of blood on her cheek away. Her eyes met Arcee's, the femmes holoform narrowed her eyes as she prepared to attack.

Both women circled around the mat, facing one another, fists raised.

"You making the first move or me?" Arcee asked teasingly.

Koda smirked, "I went first last round."

Suddenly both Arcee and Koda launched forward, clashing into one another. Arcee's fist was stopped before it could land a hit on the side of Koda's face. She moved it aside, grinning before twisting Arcee's holoform to the right and grabbing her shirt before swinging her to the ground. Circling around Koda rested a knee lightly on her neck while holding up a raised fist, "That was quick."

"So you think!" Arcee laughs, somehow bringing her left leg around and wrapping Kodas neck around it and pulling the woman to the ground. The femme pinned down Koda's legs and grabbed her neck, "Who's teasing who now?"

Breath quickening, Koda grabbed Arcee's hand, trying to pull it off her neck. The femme didn't budge, but squeezed a bit tighter. Her bright blue eyes glared into Koda's for a moment before she let go and stood up.

She brushed some of the dust off of her clothing, "I'd say that is a fair win."


Arcee glanced at Miko, "I agree, I'm up for another round-"

"Arcee," Optimus' voice echoed through the room, deep and commanding. The femme turned to her leader.


"Perhaps others would like a turn?"

Koda looked up, her teal eyes lighting up at the prospect of fighting the Prime. However when Bulkhead stepped forward, her heart seemed to sink slightly.

"Ep, ep, ep!" Ratchet came forward, walking over to Koda, "I must see how her arm is holding up!"

"It's fine," The woman objected, but before she knew it the older medic was poking and prodding at her. She tried to move away but Ratchet grabbed hold of her tank top and she was brought to a halt. The medic smirked and began to check around the new limb. He'd done his best to cover up what nasty scarring he could, but some remained. Doing a quick scan of the dark silver and icy blue, he gently pushed Koda back onto the mat, "Really?"

"Everythings holding up well, have fun," Ratchet's holoform fizzled away and his alt transformed into his bipedal form, "I've got work to do."

"And you kids are due back home soon," Arcee started towards the door. Metal shifted and hissed as the three guardians transformed into their bipedal forms. Their charges followed, though Miko remained back till Bulkhead ended up grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and placed her on his servo.

Within moments the team had exited the training room.

A light thump alerted Koda of the mech in the room. She turned, eyes going wide when she saw Optimus' flannel on the ground. That's what the sound was. Now he wore a dark gray muscle tee.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now