Chapter Seventeen

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Buckle up folks, she's a long one. I don't think there's any swearing, if there is sorry for that. Regardless I hope y'all enjoy! And yep, this is based purely on one episode (S1EP13 Sick Mind), so some dialogue will remain the same, because you can't mess with tfp that much lol. 

And "Tessa" is just one of those tracks that can let you have good moments or bad ones. It just seemed to fit this chappy and well ere' it is for ya. Now you may go forth and enjoy this chapter...*pushes box of tissues your way* just in case. 


"Sebby, get off of me," Koda groaned, trying to push the Cybercat's helm off her stomach. She was pinned down on the couch. She'd fallen asleep on the brown leather seat last night, Sebastian had continuously pawed at her door, now too big to fit inside her room, he had to figure out another way to get his snuggles.

The Cybercat let out a huff, his breath made Koda's hair fly around softly. She groggily reached out and found Sebastains helm. Slowly moving her hand back and forth between his ears she felt him begin to purr.

"Engines going hm," She mumbled softly, opening her eyes slowly to gaze at the cat. Her mouth split into a small smile, "Sorry I haven't been giving you enough cuddles lately, you're just a bit big now."

Sebastian let out a soft chirp of protest as Koda sat up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, his purrs causing her body to feel all jittery.

"Never too big for hugs," She whispered softly.

Suddenly Sebastain rose to his pedes, bringing Koda with him. She laughed as he set her feet on the ground, the woman releasing the cat, "Wow, what a turn. Who knew that you would be hauling me outta bed at 5 in the morning."

Sebastian bumped his helm into Koda's arm, pushing her towards her room.

She gave the Cybercat a confused look, "I'll go change just give me a minute," Walking into her room she closed the door, "What's gotten into him?"

Perhaps he'd been scared about the Kaiju earlier in the week. Koda had taken care of it, and repaired Gipsy. It'd been a category three, bigger than an Acidquill but nowhere near as dangerous.

On that same day, an old foe of Arcee's made their way on earth. The femme and Jack escaped her, exploding Arachnids ship in the end, hoping to have killed her. Though Arcee wasn't positive. Turns out Arachnid had murdered Arcee's first partner, Tailgate, back near the beginning of the war. Which explained a lot about why Arcee was fairly protective of her charge.

Otherwise there had been no activity from the Decepticons. Which was a relief, but was also causing a certain mech to go slightly stir crazy. Though good at hiding it, Koda was slowly learning that the small signs given from Optimus, meant he was on edge.

Though she managed to pull him back to earth and help him out, keeping him busy with small drives to town to pick something up, or letting Sebastain snuggle him on the couch, along with other tasks. Though he would always spend a fair amount of hours at the monitor, checking for any sort of problem or signal that might indicate what the Decepticons were up to. It was completely fine, he had a right to be worried. Only he shouldn't worry so much where he pushes himself to the brink of passing out. Which had happened more than Koda would like to count since she had arrived. She merely wished for Optimus to take better care of himself...

As she pulled the deep blue henley over her head she pulled her arms through the short sleeves. Pulling her dog tags out of the shirt to rest on the soft fabric. Lately, Koda had been wearing more t-shirts, something she wasn't used to. But with the weather becoming warmer it would become necessary. She was also getting used to not hiding who she was. Her arm was different, but she was a human. A little different than everyone but still a human.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now