Chapter Twenty Three

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Thanks @Mattison006 for telling me about the third "Endurae" 🩵

- Conjunx Endurae: Marriage

- Amica Endurae: Ultimate Best Friends

- Amanti Endurae: Lovers, not Spark bonded, and not like conjunx, but more than Amica. More elements that suggest a romantic relationship. Far better than using pet names.

TW: Swearing (not much, just like once or twice)

16,957 words long...soooo yeah...HAVE FUN haha And yeah, I'm hooked on Twister (1996) again sooooo, this song was on repeat for the most of my writing time lol....Anyone excited for Twisters?

.・゜-: ✧☾⚝☽✧ :-゜・.

"I really, opmh!- don't like you guys!" Koda grunted, throwing aside a mass displaced Vechicon. The seeker tumbled into the ground, visor splitting as his frame crashed into a boulder.

"It was meant to be a nice day, you know!" She scouted, activating her plasmacaster and shooting the nearby Vechicons before they were able to activate their mass displacement chips.

Rain pattered down onto Gipsy as she turned around, hitting one of the larger grounders in the helm, causing his to tumble to the ground. She glanced towards the mine tunnel, far too small for Koda to even crawl in with Gipsy. She was left to fend off the outsiders, which acted as the reinforcements.

As several Vehicons made land a dozen metres away, Koda deactivated her plasmacaster, raising her fists as she tempted the seekers forward. The group of five transformed into their much larger forms, three set forward, activating their blasters.

Red balls of plasma shot from their blasters, doing limited damage to Gipsy Danger. Koda grabbed one of the mechs, "I had plans!" narrowing her eyes. She threw him into the others and they fell into a pile of moving limbs, all trying to get up at once. She found it quite hilarious to watch, "But y'all interrupted that," though she was pulled back into the fight when the two other Vechicons launched themselves onto her back. Her centre of balance was pulled back and Koda stumbled, managing to stay on her feet.

Her vision blurred as a bright purple plasma blast hit her in the stomach. Gipsy stumbled, her centre of balance pulling her down onto the rocky ground.

Within the conn-pod, Koda was jostled around, almost like a sling-shot being released. She rubbed her head, and shoved the two Vechicons off of her; as she rose to her feet she came face to face with an enlarged silver mech. His cannon was a near few inches from her helm as she froze, "Megatron..."

"Primes' pet! We meet again..." The sharp shouldered silver warlord sneered, through the thick amber glass, Koda could feel the heat of the mech's weapon charging up, her worried rose as he held her in her place. He grinned, knowing he'd placed the woman where he wanted her, "I do hope that your medic is doing well? I was shocked when he got a solid hit on me; of course, I knew he couldn't do more..."

"You leave him out of this," Koda growled, clenching her fists.

The past couple of weeks had brought in...interesting results. Bulkhead had managed to get a formula for synthetic Energon lodged into his processor. Which Ratchet then attempted to make, only it didn't turn out how they wanted.

It led to conflict between Optimus and Ratchet about past times. During the earliest parts of the war...

"Ratchet!" Optimus' optics widened as he reached the medic just in the nick of time to keep him from offlining the miner within the white and red mechs clutches.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now