Chapter One

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Some writers block decided to hit me with my third book so I thought I would make a chapter for this bugger~ gotta love that lol
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!
This is based more in the Autobot's point of view, but I like how it turned out.



A dark cold, mountainous wasteland, filled with the riches of gold and history.

On a long stretch of highway, drove an emergency vehicle. Mainly and off white colour, though a red-orange complemented its frame. Inside there were no passengers, or a driver. This was a mechanical being from a far away planet.

Forced out of their home after eons of war, only to have it follow them to earth.

His monitor on his dash had a scanner, which was currently scanning for their vital fuel. Energon. The blue crystalized substance was the lifeblood of all Cybertronians. Good and evil.

The cold winds pushed against the medical vehicle. The tired mech had been out in the frigid weather for hours now. No sign of Energon. Though there had been a faint signal near the town of Anchorage. It had been inside and traveling along one of the highways.

But the medic was unable to track down the source. It had moved multiple times before disappearing in a mountain range.

Now he was continuing along a large stretch of highway near the coast of the Pacific Ocean. A heavy amount of fog covered the massive land of water. Making the mech unable to see too far out.

Suddenly, as he turned on the highway, a large bright flash of fire and smoke filled the fog. Screeching to a halt the medic transformed, knowing that no one was around to see him. His red-orange and off-white frame stood at 25 ft tall.

His sky blue optics narrowed as he saw yet another flash of orange through the thick fog. Which was followed by a heart wrenching screech. Causing the mech to step back a few steps.

As he listened slicer the sound of metal could be heard as well as water being moved and the sounds of the beast. A moment later a loud BANG was heard, causing the mech to tilt his helm curiously.

Within a few minutes the fog had cleared enough for him to make out two, three distinct shapes. One which looked like a fleshy monster from a human movie. A large grayish blue mecha, and a greenish gray one in the water. But it was slowly disappearing, and the standing mecha had a large hole in it's helm, smoke emerged from it.

As the second mecha disappeared into the sea, the first one continued throwing punches at the alien-like beast. Suddenly it launched forward, its long knife-like horn sinking into the mechas shoulder, ripping off its arm. The machine fell back, having enough time to engage its own blade and slice into the creature's chest.

Suddenly the medics com link lit up, and a deep baritone voice rumbled through, "Ratchet, do you have Cliffjumpers coordinates?" His tone sounded urgent, something that told the medic the situation wasn't good.

Swiftly transforming, the medic drove back onto the highway, searching for their comrades' signal before stating, "I'm locked on his coordinates, Optimus, but our team is scattered across time zones!"

"Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, rendezvous back at base and prepare to ground bridge. Ratchet remain at your coordinates, a bridge will come shortly Old Friend," the Prime announced. The medic nodded and cut off his com-link before driving to the shoulder of the highway and stopping there.

As the minutes went by he continued hearing the sounds of the machine and monster. Till he found an Energon signal coming from that same place. Transforming he looked out into the ocean and saw the mecha standing alone. Its right arm was torn off with part of its helm. A large amber core glowed brightly as Ratchet assumed that is what kept the thing running.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now