Chapter Sixteen

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Allo :D

You can't blame me, when I write small softy scenes they shouldn't become the chapter. I got like some plot in then it just turned to pure OptiKoda 🥴 I tried to stop it but it just...yeah. 
Plus some daughter-father time, with a dash of more plot near the end.
Blame the song, had this on repeat when I was writing and it ended up fitting the chapter pretty well in my opinion.  and aside from the fluff  it turned out to be a good chapter in my opinion. Also, I know Optimus always gave everyone else more Energon, and it's been years since he's had a full stomach, so...we giving him that today 🥺

TW: swearing


Koda stood in front of the selection of fruits, her cyan eyes narrowed in concentration. Her hands were propper on her hips as she looked at the cantaloupe, watermelon, oranges, apples, mangos, grapes, cucumbers and pineapple. The two fairly full baskets were placed on the ground right beside her leg.

"Do you need any help?" A worker asked from across the fruit section.

Eyes flickering up to the young woman, Koda shook her head, "I'll be alright, there's just..." Her voice trailed off.


"Yes! It's frustrating, can't a person just sell one fruit to people? Honestly I've been here for the past ten minutes deciding what the hell I want. What the fuck is a mango?!" she looked away, "Apologies. It has been a long time since I have had the choice to choose what I eat. Aside from the usual plain food."

The girl's eyes suddenly widened, "Oh! Were you on a tour?"

Koda opened her mouth to reply, only to think about it for a moment. The Jaeger program was shut down...So she couldn't say that, besides it would be pretty annoying to say it. Some groups of pilots became popular and that travelled down to the others, no escape from that. So she nodded, "Yes," She replied simply.

"Well, welcome back. And I suggest you take a pick of watermelon and apples. Then if you like them you could purchase them again or try something new."

"Right," Koda looked at each bit of fruit, looking up at the signs and pinpointed the ones named, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, have a good day!"

The young woman retreated with a cart full of stock for the shelves. Koda grabbed a watermelon, surprised at its large size compared to the apples she grabbed next. Placing them in her basket she looked down at the small haul, it would last for a bit. So long as she didn't have to eat beans from a can she would be happy. On the way to the cash register, she stopped and looked at the potatoes. Her eyes narrowed at the bag, recalling the many times Herc had made mashed potatoes, or given them to Koda in the cafeteria. Finally she knelt down, grabbing a bag of Yukon Gold and carried it over to the cash register, holding a 4L jug of milk in the same hand while the two baskets rested on her right arm.

Honestly, Koda didn't enjoy shopping. People knew what you were buying, and she didn't like having to make small talk. Some people also just...stared. It was confusing.

Placing her haul on the belt she watched the melon and apples move, where the cashier - an older female, began to grab and scan each item.

This continued as the other items were placed on the belt. Consisting of a few spices, noodles, sauces, veggies, and Chicken as well as pork chops and ground beef, amongst other things. Koda wasn't sure what to grab, but she knew the meals at the Shatterdome were simple enough. But she could change those meals if she wanted to. Though she knew she'd gotten a few strange looks for carrying two baskets that were quite heavy with ease, along with the bag of potatoes and milk in her other hand.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now