Chapter Eleven

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Hope I did a good job on this one for y'all. It was pretty fun to write! And I think these will continue to be more goofy chapters regarding everything. A little break later on for Koda and Optimus. Then anything really a break for them? *chuckles nervously*
Is it bad that this came out to be 7000 words XD

Also, some songs I choose for a few lyrics. such as Renegades, which I think fits this book, but also the two lines, "Two kids, you and me" is kind of around Chuck and Koda during this. Just the goofy times ya know. Then "Go forth and have no fear" Just fits Koda well. Her learning how to live her own life.

TW: torture, experimentation without consent


"Bap!" Chuck smirked, tapping Koda on the head.

The young girl glared up at the slightly older boy. She rose to her feet and hit him in the arm, a goofy smile upon her face.

During this moment, the two children were alone in Herc's living quarters. The man had stepped out to speak with Marshal Pentecost. Which left two, fairly young, children alone in a room which looked like a war zone in their minds.

It also didn't help that they had Nerf Guns on hand...

Taking off, Koda ran behind  the bed and grabbed the loaded toy, she raised it up, "Ive' up now Chuc! I got you cornered!"

"Never!" A bullet flew past the girl's head and stuck to the wall. (you the silicone tipped ones XD) It made a small Thump as it attached to the wall.

Koda narrowed her eyes and aimed the single shot gun at Chuck. She giggled and pressed the trigger, hitting him smack on the forehead. He jumped as the bullet made an impact. His gaze traveled up to see the end of the navy blue bullet before he glanced down at Koda.

She swallowed nervously, yelping when Chuck started running after her.

"I'm gonna getcha!" The boy laughed as he jumped and ran across the bed, only to see Koda running across the room. She giggled and turned to run past the table. Which now had memory foam on the corners to prevent any more accidents while running around the squared corners.

"No! No-no!" The girl laughed as she ran into the kitchen. She made way for the bathroom and closed the door, "You can't come in!" She teased.

Chuck stopped and smirked, "I know, you won!" He exclaimed and slowly tiptoed over to the restroom. Ensuring to avoid the creaky parts of the floor. Since his Mum passed away he'd been living with his father in the Shatterdome. And knew the room all too well, especially when he would sneak into the kitchen for a snack.

He heard Koda giggle through the door, her feet shuffled as she attempted to stay still.

Facing the rest of the room he called out, "I won't come after you sister, you won!"

"Promise?" Koda opened the door slowly and looked out. Screaming as she was grabbed and tackled to the ground.

"You can't escape me," Chuck exclaimed as he tickled Koda's stomach. She curled up and attempted to escape but her attempt was futile. Squirming in his grasp she managed to grab his wrist but that did nothing.

"I - I'm gonna p-pee!" Koda snickered, trying to push herself back.

Chuck pulled back to let the girl catch her breath. Though she smirked and brought him down to the ground and grabbed his feet. She started tickling him and the boy began to laugh.  He hit his fist against the ground, "Stop it Koda!"

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now