Chapter Fourteen

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Enjoy the chapter!
Also just for those folk who don't know, I've done a collab with @Meadowfeather176! Go check out her account for 'Stars & Machines' as well as her Stars and Conselations (which is great by the way) So yeah, go check it out! It is again a crossover between Pacific Rim and Transformers, just a bit more different than from what you're used to ;)
Also got the ship train going over there XD

TW: Swearing(not a lot, jus a lil)


"And where's this?" Koda asked, pointing to the green monitor. She stood in front of it alone, arms crossed as she investigated the map around Jasper.

Miko jumped up from her spot on Bulkhead's shoulder, smiling, "That's Truckers Ranch!"

"Huh, sounds..."

The young girl continued, "Was an old ranch owned by a trucker, it's in the name. He lived his life there when he wasn't on the road. Old man wasn't very fond of people. Legend says he still lives there, and anyone who nears will be run down by him in his old cabover."

"That hardly seems possible!" Ratchet scoffed from the med bay, having overheard part of the conversation.

Bulkhead nodded, glancing at his charge with a confused look upon his faceplates, "I have to agree, ghosts aren't real Miko."

"But what if they are?" The teen giggled, making a strange noise afterwards. Her attempt at sounding like a ghost was futile. She slid down onto her guardian's shoulder and he set her down on the human platform.

Koda's gaze remained on the map, her eyes - having been turning more blue over the past week, though green was still speckled in them - moved as she glanced at each dirt road, every twist and turn, she took in every detail of the green map.

A small tap on the base of her back tore her out of her trance. Turning she let Sebastian sniff her hand before she began to pet him. The sudden transformation of the cat had been shocking when she'd returned from the hospital, though it was quite welcoming now. Ratchet had explained that since Sebastain had been cyber-formed his life span had been elongated. Now the cat would be able to live for a very long time. That brought joy to Koda, she always disliked that cats had short lifespans.

"Are you done bothering the others?" Koda cooed, rubbing the cybercats chin. She smirked slightly when the cat began to purr. Sebastain chirped and pushed his helm forward, nuzzling into Koda's abdomen. The woman let out a small laugh at the cat's actions.

Everyone had noticed that Koda was a little more upbeat than normal, she had a spark in her eyes that hadn't been there before. It was a welcome sight.

Ratchet glanced over from the med bay and watched the two interact. His derma lifted up softly, the sight of Koda and Sebastain made him happy. It was something that didn't happen often now, the war had put his helm into dark places, there was no time for fun anymore. But the small things made his Spark flutter happily.

Though that was sadly ruined when an alert came on the screen. Koda's frame stiffened as she looked up at the Cybertronian text, wishing to understand its meaning. Sebastain strode in front of his owner and growled at the screen.

They weren't used to the silo yet. Even after the few weeks of being there, the unusual noises still made them ready for action. Koda glared up at the screen, but when Ratchet walked over and sighed, explaining that "It is Agent fowler," Her worries lifted.

Walking up to the elevator she stood straight, waiting for the Agent to emerge. She wanted to thank him for helping to get her out of the Shatterdome. But as the elevator doors opened she gasped. Bulkhead quickly snatched Miko and gently tossed her into his chassis.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now