Chapter Four

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Enjoy guys!

(gave another listen to this song, and I kinda was able to really connect it to Koda during her time at the Shatterdome. Always serving Stacker, especially when it's only her. Let's just say, her character development is gonna be a lot more different than in the first iteration of these books *laughs nervously*)
EDIT: Changed Gipsy's height from 80 to 100ft. 

TW: Swearing, blood, wrenches being thrown(If you would consider wrench throwing a trigger warning. But look at this community and Ratchet folks XD)


Koda grunted, holding back a wide jaw of sharp teeth which bared down on her. A loud grunt escaped her as she pushed forward. Gipsy's hydraulics groaned in protest.

"Come on you old wreck," the woman grunted, smirking to herself despite the situation, "Good going, you just called yourself old."

The Mutavore swung an open clawed hand down the Jaegers right chest. A jolt of electricity zapped Koda in her metallic shoulder. She huffed and pulled a redwood cedar from the ground and swung it at the Kaiju.

The dirty roots cracked as the impact of the tree hit the Mutavore in the face. It roared in pain as dirt and debris fell into its eyes.

With swift movements Koda activated the rocket located in Gipsy's arm. It swiftly launched forward and made contact with the dirty flesh of the Kaiju. The fist broke through the flesh and a blue substance covered it. Seeming to have a blue glow to it. A loud screech left the beast as it pushed forward against Gipsy Danger.

It jumped atop the jaeger and forced it to the ground. The wind blown out of Koda's lungs as she was pressed into the ground. The Kaiju loomed over the woman with narrowed eyes, its breath leaving a haze on the visor, blinding Koda for a second.

A claw dug into the mechas right shoulder, twisting it around till a crack was heard.

"Right appendage disengaged."

Koda growled, "No shit sherlock," She cursed to the A.I, another longer jolt of electricity running through her arm.

As the Mutavore raised its arms up, ready to strike. With swift movements it bore down on the Jaegers helm. A crack was heard, and Koda watched slobber drip into the con-pod. Her left arm raised and the red cedar jammed into the side of the Kaiju. Bits of its truck were torn back and broken due to the tree's softer heritage.

With the slobber came a blue hue of liquid. A small bit fell onto Koda's suit. She groaned as she pushed the limp beast off Gipsy, "Get off you pile of crap," She grunted, pushing the beast off with one free hand served to be a harder deal than she'd thought. But after a few minutes it was on the ground beside her. Limp and blood dripping out of its wound.

As Gipsy rose to its feet the hydraulics groaned in protest. Koda looked down at the machine's appendage and knelt down, picking it up and holding it on her shoulder as she maneuvered through the forest. Around them many red wood cedars had been felled. Tumbling to the ground from the machine and Kaiju.

Pressing the switch in the control system, Koda breathed, "Mutavores done and dusted. Gipsy Danger returning to base. Estimated time of arrival," She looked around at the Canadian forest, "Ten hours, at the very least."

"Safe travels Gipsy," Tendo's voice rumbled through the com-link, which brought the women some peace knowing someone was on the other line, "Need any company?"

Koda sighed, looking over at the second operating system. A reminder that this had been her furthest mission since the accident. Since she had been in that second operating system, and Raleigh stood where she was. A light breath left her as she looked forward, "Thanks Tendo, but I'll be fine. Just take some time alone."

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now