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Gwen and Peter woke up around the same time as Fiona so they could get ready before waking the kids up. Pete just came out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, and exited the bathroom, already brushed his teeth, and re-entered Gwen's room. After he left the bathroom, Gwen and Fiona both brushed their teeth and hair, silently. Gwen was wearing one of Pete's t-shirts and one of her shorts, as her pajamas. After she finished tying her hair into a messy ponytail, she finally broke the silence.

"Hey Fi, don't worry about the boys, I'll wake them up. You take care of Debbie and Liam." Gwen tells her older sister. Fiona nods.

"Thanks," Fiona replied, before exiting the bathroom to do so.

Gwen finished up in the bathroom, then went to wake her brothers up, she knocked before entering the room.

"7:15 douchebags, time to get up." She said as she gently nudged Carl and Ian awake, then tickled Lip's feet, startling him awake. This made Gwen smile in amusement, before exiting the room, and walking down the hall towards her room, next to 'Frank's' room. She picked up some clothes on the floor and shoved them into the laundry shoot in the hallway.

"First shower!" She heard Ian call from behind her.

"You had it yesterday." She heard Lip argue before turning around in time to see Ian beat him to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Lip started slamming his hands against the door while muttering, "Fuck!"

Gwen re-entered her bedroom to put on an outfit and put her work uniform in her old gym bag. When she enters, she sees her boyfriend, dressed in his work clothes. His hair was still a little wet, but she couldn't help but stare at him before he noticed her stare and smiled.

"What are you looking at?" Pete chuckles, as he walks over to her, putting his hands around her waist, and pulling her closer to him.

"Oh, nothing. Just admiring what's mine." Gwen replied, before leaning up to place a kiss on her boyfriend's lips. It quickly turned into a make-out, but before things could get heated, Gwen reluctantly pulled away, reminding him they had to get ready for the day. She went down the stairs, while Pete offered Carl and piggy-back ride, which he happily accepted.

In the kitchen, Pete comes down the steps, with Carl on his back and settles him in his chair at the table, and messes with his hair, making him giggle, before helping Gwen and Fiona with breakfast. Gwen laid out the bowls, Pete got the cereal and placed it on the table, while Fiona got the milk from the fridge. As she checks the calendar, Gwen overhears her mutter, "Shit." As everyone started to sit at the table, Fiona grabbed one of the bills off the corkboard and a box for everyone to place their share. She placed them on the table, while placing some of her share in and said, "Electric."

Gwen grabbed her purse from her bag, as Fiona took the, almost, empty milk carton from Lip and started 'refilling' it with water.

Gwen placed a few dollars in the box, before passing it to Lip and said, "Electric." And her siblings continued to place their share, except for Carl. Fiona came back to the table and Gwen noticed that Carl's shirt had a stain on it, she shook her head and stood up.

"No, you've got a Happy Meal on the front of that shirt," Gwen said to Carl, while Fiona fed Liam and Pete ate some toast Gwen made for him. She pulls Carl's shirt up and puts it back on, inside out. Ian pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Pete.

"oh, field trip. Need Dad's signature." Ian said to Pete, who nodded and started to forge Frank's signature. He hands it back to Ian. "Thanks, Pete," Ian said to him

"No problem, man." He replied, as Fiona started the washer and pushed a chair against it.

"Who's got the phone?" Fiona asked

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