Milk of the Gods

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It was now the beginning of summer and Evie is already 9 and a half months old. Gwen and Pete still couldn't believe how big she was getting. Also she's been eating yogurt, oatmeal, and mashed potatoes.

Fiona's still on house arrest but she's been doing 'better' and she's been working as a waitress at a diner called Patsy's Pies. Lip finished his first year of college and was coming home for the summer. Ian's been staying at the Milkovich's house. He snapped out of his depression episode a few weeks ago, and Fiona and Gwen are hoping to talk to him about seeing a doctor to prescribe some meds for him. Carl broke his leg skateboarding, but he's doing okay, same with Liam who has recovered from 'the incident.' Debbie..... nothing much has changed about her unfortunately.

Frank has recovered from his liver transplant and is living at Sheila's. And Sammi and Chuckie have now official wedged themselves into they're lives. Gwen really did not like Sammi. They didn't know about her till months ago, and now she's a part of their lives, not to mention she's still flirting with her boyfriend. Like seriously lady, have some dignity!


Back to the present, Gwen and Pete were coming back from taking Evie for a little walk when they noticed Sean, Fiona's new boss, herself and Liam playing with the hose, making the young couple laugh watching the scene.

"Looks like someone has a new crush." Gwen said in a singsongy voice.

"She's totally falling for him." Pete agreed before they headed back inside.


Later that day, Gwen was going with Fiona and Liam to meet up with Ian to go for a jog. Gwen was bringing Evie with her, she heard fresh air's good for kids. They were stretching their muscles outside their house when Veronica marched outside of her house, looking tired and frustrated.

"Hey, sunshine. Gwen, Liam and I are meeting Ian." Fiona greeted, "You wanna come for a run with us?"

"No, I don't want to go for a run. I can't go for a run." V grumbled, "I probably won't be able to go for a run for another 18 years, not that I even ever went for a run, but if I wanted to, these milk jugs would give me two black eyes."

"Rough morning?" Gwen asked, putting her hand on her best friend shoulder in comfort with a look of understanding.

"I am covered in puke and piss and vomit." Veronica listed, "The other day I rubbed my eye, and I realized that there was baby poop underneath my fingernail."

"I know what you mean, V." Gwen told her best friend.

Veronica threw her hands up in frustration and started to pout, "I want my boobs back. I want my life back. I want my husband back."

"You haven't gotten laid lately, have you?" Fiona guessed.

V looked at them, "You're one to talk." Looking  at Fiona, "Have you even fucked Sean yet?"

"Nah, just friends." Fiona denied.

Gwen scoffed, "Sure, 'just friends.'"

"We are!" Fiona insisted and Gwen held her hands up in surrender, "Besides, I'm too gun-shy after going to jail. What's you're excuse?"

Veronica rolled her eyes, "I'm too tired. Kev's too tired. One kid is screaming. The other one is colicky. I don't even know what colic is, but everybody says it."

"It means the baby is crying for no apparent reason." Gwen answered.

"Thanks. What about you? You and wife are parents, are you two still active?" V asked.

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