Three Boys

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Gwen, Fiona and Veroncia were each in three separate bathroom stalls in a public girl's bathroom. They were stealing the toilet paper rolls, while Veroncia was talking about her wedding with Kev.

"I wasn't even thinking about getting married until he brought it up. Now I'm, like, obsessed." Veronica said from her stall, "Phillps." She asked Fiona, who passed her the Phillips screwdriver.

"Wasn't he drunk when he proposed?" Fiona asked, trying got convince her to call of the wedding, without telling her Kevin's already married.

"Oh, he sure was." Gwen joined the conversation, "Me and Pete were there when he proposed. It was like watching that David Hasselhoff video, eating a cheeseburger."

"I never saw that." Fiona said.

"Oh, you gotta YouTube it." Veronica told her, "It's like a car wreck... you can't not watch."

"Do you really want a drunk proposal to be the story you tell your grandkids?" Gwen asked, "I know I wouldn't."

"My husband proposed to me at the top of the Sears Tower. Champagne and roses." They hear a woman say, coming out of the stall. Gwen and Fiona stood on their stalls toilet to see her looking at the mirror.

"Six months into the marriage, I found out he was fucking my sister." She continued.

"Ouch." Gwen muttered, while Fiona rolled her eyes, as they jumped back on the floor.

"And the moral of the story is?" Veroncia asked the woman.

"My sister's a bitch." She responded, exiting the bathroom.

"Other than the presents and the booze, give me three good reasons why you want to get married." Fiona said, returning to the original conversation.

"Lots of people who love each other get married every day, Fiona" Veronica responded, as they grabbed the toilet rolls and the three of them came out of their bathroom stalls.

"I don't know, V." Gwen told her, "I mean, I like to think me and Pete getting married but not right now. I mean things are going great between us, wouldn't want to ruin it."

"She's right, V. With the way things are between you and Kevin right now, it seems perfect." Fiona said, "Why ruin it?"

This made Veroncia think for a moment before they all departed the girl's bathroom and went home.
Back at the Gallagher house, Gwen was sitting on the couch with her boyfriend in the living room, while Fiona was in the bathroom, pissing into a sample cup, when they heard a knock on the door.

"I got it, Fi! Coming!" Gwen yelled, as she got up and went to answer it and Fiona struggled to pull her pants back up and placed the cup on the counter. When Gwen answered the door, she saw a woman named, Sonny, with her kid on her hip, while she carried a tray of lasagna in her other arm.

"Hi, Sonny. Come in." Gwen let her in the house.

"Hey, Fiona. Oh, it is fresh?" Sonny asked.

"Clean as a whistle." Fiona assured her.

"Thanks, Fiona. You have no idea what this means to me." Sonny told her, as she handed ehr the lasagna.

"Means you get to smoke weed and keep your government job..." Gwen started.

"And we get to eat." Fiona finished, as she put the lid on the sample cup.

"It's lasagna, straight from the oven. Still warm." Sonny pointed at the lasagna, that's now on the counter.

"So's this." Fiona handed the sample cup to her, "Keep it that way if you wanna pass."

Sonny nodded, putting the sample down her shirt, between her breast and left the house.

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