Tell Me You F****ing Need Me!

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A/N: I have over 100k readers! Thank you all so much! I love you all! ❤️

Gwen and Pete have yet to let Evie out of their sight since Ian's whole episode incident. Everyone went on with their normal shit. Lip off at college. Fiona struggling with her situation with Gus and Jimmy Steve, which gwen thought was stupid but it's Fiona, she always has to complicate everything. Ian's at the mental hospital. Debbie and Carl are starting school and Sammi and chuckie have been staying in their house. Sammi keeps acting like it's her house now but Gwen keeps talking over her, along with ignoring her.

Another thing she hates about Ian being in the mental hospital is that he's gonna have to miss Evie's first birthday, but she'll make sure to visit him during one of the visits so he can still see Evie on her first birthday.


The present,

Gwen and Pete were sleeping soundly in bed, not hearing the rattling noises coming from Evie's crib or the sound of little foot steps climbing up their bed, using the baby's potty training toilet as a step stool and crawled up to them and slap/patted both for hem on the faces while saying;

"Mama. Dada."

This woke the young couple right up as they stared with wide eyes as their daughter stared back at them with those cute eyes as she giggled at them.

"How did she..." Pete pointed at her crib.

"Did she...?" Gwen stammered out, "Did you just climb out of you're crib?"

The only response they got was Evie giggling and smiling, but they took it as a 'yes'.

"Holy shit! Our daughter can now climb on her own and can walk on her own!" Pete smiled proudly at their daughter as the young couple got up and headed downstairs.

"I know, and in a few days she'll be one. They really do grow up fast." Gwen said that final part with a sad smile which quickly turned into a face of disgust that Pete mirrored once they smelled a horrible stench.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Gwen demanded as she out Evie down and went to check the bathroom, door wide open, the same time as Carl as they both saw it.

Chuckie sitting on the toilet, taking a dump!

"Eww!!" Gwen cringed.

"Shut the fucking door!" Carl said as he closed the bathroom door and grabbed some air freshener spray and started spraying.

"Good grief." Gwen muttered as she, Pete and Evie went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning, Gallaghers." Gwen greeted Debbie and Liam.

"Good morning, Gwen." Sammi smiled.

"I'm pretty sure I said Gallaghers, not Slots." Gwen corrected causing Sammi to roll her eyes as Pete chuckled a little.

"Hey debs! Look who's walking!" Pete put Evie down so she could start walking towards her mom as she picked her up.

"Oh wow!" Debbie smiled at her niece.

"That's amazing!" Sammi tried to grab Evie but as soon as she saw Sammi she started to cry and hid her face.

"Ha! Even she knows your not family." Gwen smirked while Sammi groaned before continuing too cook breakfast.

"Carl, Chuckie, get your asses down here or I'm giving your pancakes to the next homeless guys I see." Sammi called.

"You stole that from the homeless shelter, so full circle." Debbie pointed out.

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