A Night to Remem... Wait, What?

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Gwen was awoken by the sound of guitar music echoing through the walls. Evie also seemed to hate it as she started to whine, also waking Pete up as he started to complain sleepily.

"Who the fuck is seeing at this hour?" Pete whined as he sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes.

Gwen got up to pick Evie up from her crib and rock her in her arms. "I have no idea. Sounds like it coming from Fiona's room. Probably that musician she's been seeing." Gwen shrugged.

"I thought she was into Sean?" Pete questioned.

"She is, but it's Fiona." Gwen shrugged as Pete got out of bed and put on a shirt as Evie started babbling that none of them understood but still smiled at her.

"Wow, Evie, that sounds like an interesting dream." Gwen said as she kissed her daughter forehead, making her giggle.

"Yeah, you are getting so big now. Mommy and daddy can't believe it." Pete commented as he came over to take her from Gwen's arms so he could hold her and give her a kiss, making her giggle some more. Pete and Gwen shared a quick peck on the lips before heading downstairs for breakfast.


Gwen and Pete came downstairs and we're greeted by Debbie and Liam at the kitchen table.

"Morning, guys!" Gwen greeted as Pete placed Evie in her high chair next to Liam's.

"Morning." Debbie said shortly.

Fiona came downstairs, in a good mood as she kissed both Liam and Evie's head, "Hey. What's up, yo? How's your day looking?"

"Someone's in a good mood." Pete commented while getting Evie her baby food and started feeding her.

"Yes I am." Fiona smiled.

"Well, I'm thinking I should go on the pill." Debbie said randomly making her sisters look at her weirdly.

"What?" Gwen asked bewildered.

"So, you're gonna be..." Fiona started but Debbie cut her off.

"Well, since things are over with Matty, I figure it's best to be prepared for the next time, don't you?" Debbie stated.

"When you say 'next time' you don't mean by...?" Gwen slowly asked, not wanting to say 'forcing yourself on him.'

"I mean when I get another boyfriend." Debbie stated, not understanding what Gwen was trying to say.

"Anyways, there's more than pregnancy to worry about." Fiona told Debbie, getting back to her original question, "How about we stick to condoms?"

"They're only 82% effective." Debbie stated while starring pointedly between Pete and Evie, making Gwen get the message and a roll her eyes.

"Okay, when I first pregnant it was when me and Pete were both drunk and horny. Besides sometimes, the pill doesn't work, like you can forget to take it." Gwen explained to Debbie.

"Whatever." Debbie rolled her eyes, "Anyways, I should use the pill as a back-up."

Gwen and Fiona glanced at each other before shrugging.

"Okay. I'll make an appointment at Planned Parenthood." Fiona told Debbie as Carl came downstairs.

"Good morning Carl." Gwen greeted.

"Morning." He responded, "I gotta run."

"Huh, like you need to be somewhere." Debbie scoffed.

"While you're sitting on your lazy ass, I'll be at my job." Carl shot back.

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