Liver, I Hardly Know Her

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Gwen and Pete were awoken by Evie crying and heard her coughing and sneezing a little as they rushed over to her. Her cheeks were flushed and she was sweating.

"Aww, sweetie, are you okay?" Gwen cooed as she gently picked Evie up into her arms and placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled away with her eyes widening a little, "Holy shit, she's burning up."

"What?" Pete questioned as he placed his hand on Evie's forehead, "Whoa. I think she has a fever. Better get the thermometer. Come on."

They went downstairs, Evie still crying, coughing and sneezing as they went into the kitchen.

"Morning, guys, uh, where's the thermometer?" Pete asked, looking through the drawers.

"It's in he drawer on the left side of the dishwasher." Ian answered, as Gwen continued to hold a crying Evie in her arms.

"The fuck's wrong with her?" Mickey asked.

"We don't know, we think she's sick." Gwen answered as Pete brought over the thermometer. It beeped and he checked it and his eyes widen.

"Holy shit. Her temperature's a 100.4. She's gotta a fever." Pete stated as Evie continued to cry and cough.

"Oh, don't worry sweetie, mommy and daddy will take good care of you." Gwen placed a kiss on her forehead as Pete looked for some medicine as Debbie came downstairs.

"Fiona never came home." She announced, "She violated probation."

"She's not in her room?" Gwen asked as Pete handed her some saline drops to help with her runny nose and got out the cold medicine for infants on the counter.

Debbie shook her head, "I checked last night, again this morning."

"Back to the mental motel." Mickey commented as he poured syrup on his pancakes.

"I called Sheila." Debbie continued, "She's not there, and she's not at the hospital with Kev and V..." Ian cuts her off.

"The hospital?"

"V's having her babies." Gwen answered, having gotten a text from Kev that V was in labor when she woke up.

"She's is? Wow." Ian grinned.

"Fiona would not miss her curfew on purpose." Gwen stated.

"What if she got mugged or fell in front of the El?" Debbie listed, worried.

"She's probably fine." Pete said, as he poured some medicine into an eye dropper.

"Yeah, maybe she got permission to go out." Ian said.

"You don't think we should call the police?" Debbie questioned.

Mickey shook his head, "No, that'll just make shit worse."

"Well, then what do we do?" Debbie pressed, "Will someone at least call hospitals while I'm at school?" She asked as she grabbed her coat and backpack.

"I'm on it." Gwen told her.

"Ugh, I lost the shiv Carl made for me." Debbie groaned as she looked around, "Melted toothbrush, duct tape handle.."

"Why are you taking a shiv to school?" Pete asked as he handed the eye dropper with the medicine in it to Gwen and she tried to get it  into Evie's  mouth but she kept moving her head, "Come on, Eve, it'll make you feel better."

"In case I run into my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend."

"What did you do?" Gwen asked her sister, but before she could answer, Mandy walked in, having spent the night, hiding from Kenyatta.

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