Fiona Interruped

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The Gallaghers, Manning brothers, Kev, Veronica and Jimmy made their way home later that night, after leaving the hospital.

"Pete?" Eric said softly as his brother turned to him, sleeping Carl in his arms, as they walked towards the Gallagher house, "Is it okay if I stay here for the night?"

Pete smiled sadly at his brother, "Of course, little bro."

They walked in through the front door, looking over the dining table, their half-eaten Thanksgiving meals still there.

"I'll clear the table." Veronica said, softly, while Kevin took Liam upstairs as they all held miserable faces.

"I'll put the kids to be." Pete offered, "Come on, Debs, bedtime." He gently guided her away from the kitchen and towards the stairs, still carrying Carl in his arms.

"I can sleep on the cou..." Eric started but was cut off by Gwen as she shook her head.

"No, no, you can sleep in my room, I'm sure Pete doesn't mind." Gwen glanced at her boyfriend.

"Anything for my little brother." He said Eric followed him upstairs.

Gwen, Fiona and Jimmy slowly entered the kitchen, blood still there. They didn't say a word as Jimmy got the bucket from the cabinet under the sink and filled it with water, while Fiona grabbed the trash bin and Gwen grabbed some paper towels. They started to slowly clean up the blood, as Fiona and Gwen started to tear up.

"I can't... I can't..." Gwen sniffed as Pete came back downstairs after putting the kids to bed and saw his girlfriend crying and crouched down next to her and gave her a tight hug as she cried into his shoulder.

"Pete... can you put her bed, please?" Fiona asked, softly, Pete nodded.


"No... I can't leave fi..." Gwen started to protest and fiona cut her off.

"No, it's okay... Jimmy's here to help me... you, you get some rest." Fiona assured her.

"I'm sorry fiona..." Gwen cried as Pete guided her upstairs to their room. Eric was lying on the floor with a pillow and some blankets, as they entered the room and lied down on the bed.

Gwen cried into her boyfriends chest as he held her tight in his arms. A few minutes later, they heard Eric crying softly on the floor, "Come on, brother, get in here with us." Pete told his brother softly.

Eric looked up with tears in his eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, come here brother." Pete helped one hand out as Eric stood up and joined them on the bed as he, Gwen and pete embraced each other, trying to comfort each other.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Gwen apologized to Eric as she cried.

"It wasn't your fault."

As they confront each other, they heard the door knock as Carl slowly entered, tears in his eyes.

"Debbie's in Fiona bed." He sniffed as Gwen opened her arms for him to join in as he cried into her chest as the four of them held each other in their arms.

"It's okay, bud." Gwen kissed her little brother's forehead softly as they continued to sob and comfort each other.


The next morning, Gwen had just managed to fall asleep when the sun rose, barely getting any sleep last night. She glanced around at her bed, seeing Eric asleep on his stomach at the edge of the bed, Pete tucked into the other side, as Carl slept in between them, his hand on Gwen's stomach.

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