Frank the Plumber

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It was morning at the Gallagher house and Evie is officially one month old. Gwen and Pete couldn't believe their daughter was already one month old. They were scheduled for a visit at the pediatrician for Evie's one month checkup.

The young couple was currently in the kitchen, with Gwen breastfeeding Evie with a cover. Gwen's siblings were there too, Lip and Ian were sitting at the counter, Debbie and Carl were sitting next to them with Liam in his high chair as they ate breakfast.

"Hey, you got an extra one of those?" Fiona asked as she came down referring the Eggo waffles they were eating.

"You're gonna be late!" Debbie told her as she tossed one over to Fiona.

"Got nothing to wear." Fiona shrugged, she's getting ready for a temp job, "Hey, Gwen, do you have anything that looks professional that I could wear?"

"Unless you call leopard skirt and a crop top 'professional' no." Gwen deadpanned, "Maybe V has something to wear for you."

"Is your new job at a stip club?" Lip joked, referring to Fiona's current outfit, making the boys chuckle, including Pete.

"Ha. Ha." Fiona laughed sarcastically.

"I wasn't kidding."

"I thought it was funny Lip." Pete chuckled.

"It's a temp office job, so I don't know how long the day's gonna be." Fiona explained, "I expect all of you to help Jimmy with dinner and get your homework done and generally avoid setting the house on fire."

"Overcompensating." Lip sang.

"She feels guilty for turning us into latchkey kids." Ian said, making Fiona hit both of their heads.

"What's a latchkey kid?" Carl questioned.

"It's where a kid takes care of themselves after school with no parent at home." Pete explained as Mandy came in through the back door.

"Morning Mandy." Gwen greeted.

"Morning." Mandy responded and stared at Lip awkwardly before saying, "I left some stuff here that I need." Before running upstairs.

Gwen halted at her brother Lip, "What the fuck did you do this time?"

"Why is it always my fault?" Lip retired before turning to fiona, "Is it wrong if I just leave for school?"

"Yes, Lip it is." Gwen answered as she and Pete stood up and Pete grabbed Evie's winter clothes to get her ready.

"Sorry Fi, gotta take Evie over to her first checkup. So we're not sure what time we'll be home." Gwen informed.

"It's okay, Gwen." Fiona reassured her sister, "Let me know how it goes." She came over and kissed her niece's forehead, "Love you Eve." She said softly.


Gwen and Pete were sitting in the waiting room at the clinic with Evie sleeping in the stroller next to Gwen. They were waiting for their turn.

"Manning?" They heard the front desk call, making them stand up and Gwen started pushing Evie's stroller towards the front desk.

"Yeah. That's us. We're here for our daughter's one month checkup." Pete informed and the receptionist nodded.

"Your pediatrician will be Dr. Ophelia Sweeney, and she will have your check up in room 5." He explained. The young couple nodded and Gwen pushed the stroller in the direction with Pete beside her and they arrived at the door.

Gwen knocked and heard someone say 'enter' from inside.

They came in and met Dr. Ophelia Sweeney, (F/C: Jennifer Connelly) "Hello, you must be Mr and Mrs. Manning. I'm your pediatrician, Dr. Sweeney. And this just be your daughter Evelyn."

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