Nana Gallagher Had an Affair

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The next morning Gwen and Pete woke up together. though during the night they overhead Bob and Monica talk about getting Liam's DNA results to prove Liam's not Frank's. But Gwen, who is now feeling better than the other day, will make sure not to let that happen... At least not so easily. They got dress and went downstairs to see how badly Monica is doing.

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Once they got downstairs, they find Monica struggling with their everyday routine. She hasn't even made the kids breakfast or lunch, while Bob's just sitting on her ass at the table, holding Liam to her chest as he tried to get out of her grip, making Gwen look at her brother sympathetically. Poor little guy, she's holding him like a hostage, Gwen thought.

"Oh, Winnie! Good morning! How'd you sleep?" Moncia asked quickly, when she noticed Gwen and Pete standing there, leaning against the wall, "Oh, who's this he looks familiar?" Monica asked, looking at Pete, as she tries to make breakfast.

"This is my boyfriend, Peter. You've met him before." Gwen said through her gritted teeth.

"Oh! Yeah, I remember now! You look great, Peter!" Moncia exclaimed, and Pete didn't respond, not knowing what to say.

Gwen rolled her eyes and looked down at Carl, "Hey, buddy, still need that permission slip signed?" Gwen reminded him.

Carl pulled his permission slip out of his pocket, "Got it right here. Just need Moncia to sign." Carl said, handing it to Monica.

"What? What's this?" Moncia questioned, looking down at the slip, since she was going crazy in the kitchen and didn't even pay attention to what her kids were saying. 

"Permission slip." Lip answered for Gwen as he made some coffee for himself, Pete and Gwen.

"Oh. You're going to the aquarium. When?" Moncia asked as she signed the paper with a blue marker.

"Today. I need $10." Carl answered.

"What for?" Bob asked Carl.

"Admission fee."

"School doesn't pay for that?" Bob asked.

Gwen stared at her like she was dumb, which she is, "No, not anymore." Gwen glared at Bob, who glared back at her.

"And he'll need money for food." Lip added.

"Grab him an instant oatmeal and a Pop-Tart. Makes a great lunch." Bob said.

"No, it doesn't." Gwen told Bob and turned to Carl, "Don't listen to her. Here.." Gwen pulled out a $20 and a $10 out of her wallet and handed it to Carl, "this will cover both admission and lunch."

"Thanks!" Carl smiled, excitedly, and hugged Gwen tight and she returned the embrace.

"No problem, bud." Gwen pulled away and messed with his hair, before turning her attention back to Monica and fucking Bob.

"Deb, what are you doing?" Moncia asked Debbie, when she noticed her youngest daughter walking around, looking for something.

"I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election." Debbie told Monica, as she held a bunch of markers in her hands.

"Ian, could you help her?" Monica asked the redhead, clarly stressing out. Ian rolled his eyes but gets up do what said to do. "If you all would tell me these things the night ebfore, it wold be a little better in the morning."

Gwen shook her head, "That's doubtful. You don't even know how to make an egg for breakfast." She scoffed, making Moncia just stared at Gwen, while Bob glared at her.

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