Survival of the Fittest

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It's been a while since they've last seen Jimmy, and Gwen has tried to ask Fiona about it but every time she does, Fiona just snaps at her. It also been a while since they've last seen Frank since his arrest. Gwen and Pete still couldn't believe he actually took the fall for Carl, that was the first time Frank has ever done something for his family.

But the good news is that Lip is graduating high school, and Gwen couldn't be prouder of him. Also Evie is now 4 months old. Gwen and rite couldn't believe how big she was getting. She recognizes her parents voices, let's others hold her, and she been babbling, cooing and making baby noises, which they all find adorable. She's also been starting to teething as well.

Pete and Gwen were also thinking about getting news jobs soon. While they loved working at the Alibi with Kev, they both knew that as Evie gets older, they're gonna need more money and the money they were currently saving up was to buy a house and they knew that after buying a house, they would need to buy new things too.

Pete was thinking about becoming an electrician. Since it's one of the jobs that pays well and can have with just a high school diploma. Not to mention it has insurance. So he was looking up the requirements to become an electrician, while Gwen was also looking for possible jobs.


Back to the present,

Gwen, carrying Evie in her arms, came downstairs, Pete got up early to help Kate at the Alibi.

"Morning, Gallaghers." Gwen greeted Lip, Debbie, Carl and Liam, who was in his high chair, as she started to make herself breakfast, Gwen had already breastfeed Evie, so she's fed.

"Morning, Gwen." Lip greeted, "Morning, kiddo." He pecked Evie's forehead softly.

"Hey Gwen, do you think Fiona and Jimmy broke up?" Debbie asked randomly.

"Oh... uh." Gwen stammered out, "Sorry what are we talking about?"

"If we're moving to Michigan or not." Debbie stated, "Lip says we're not."

"Oh, well I don't know, Debs. Every time I ask Fiona she barks at me." Gwen shrugged.

"But I picked a fight with Becky Alexander because I thought I was never gonna see her again." Debbie frowned.

"See who again?" Fiona asked as she came downstairs, dressed for her day at the office. Except she wasn't wearing a shirt.

"You forget something?" Gwen joked, referring to Fiona's lack of a shirt.

"That a new look for work?" Lip smirked, adding in on the joking.

"Maybe if I was working the street corner, yeah." Fiona started, "But since I'm doing data entry, I better out this on." She continued as she found a shirt and buttoned it on.

Gwen turned to Lip with a smirk, "Big day today, Lip."

"Yeah, whatever." Lip waved her off.

"No, it's not a 'whatever.'" Fiona said, joining the conversation, "First Gallagher kid getting a diploma."

Lip glanced at Gwen, "Second Gallagher kid." He corrected.

"Oh yeah, sorry Gwen." Fiona apologized.

Gwen slowly nodded, "It's okay. Anyways, Lip, it's a big deal."

"Who'd you buy it from?" Carl asked, making them chuckle and Gwen ruffled his hair making him grin.

"He's getting it fair and square and setting a good example for both of you, so pay attention." Fiona told Carl and Debbie.

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