The American Dream

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Gwen, Pete, Lip, Ian and Carl speed through the upstairs hallways, narrowly colliding into Fiona as she stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.

"What's going on?" She cried.

"Frank, drunk, looking for a bed." Gwen yelled as she and Pete ran to their room, moving the dresser to block the door.

"Who the hell let him?" Fiona groaned.

"Debbie!" Gwen shouted.

"We begged her not too!" Ian yelled as he and Carl did the same thing with the they're dressers.

"He's not hot-bucking my bed!" Lip called out as he barricaded his bedroom entrance.

"Why can't he sleep out on the porch?" Carl questioned, "It's warm enough."

"I want my old bed back." They heard Frank yell, coming upstairs with Debbie.

"Oh, hell no!" Fiona yelled as she ran to her room, closing the door behind her.

They heard Debbie's voice as she helped guide Frank up the stairs, "Up. Step. Step."

"Morning, Frank." Jimmy greeted as he sat on the toilet, Debbie closed the door for him.

"This is my house!" Frank yelled.

"It's okay, Daddy. You can sleep in my room." Debbie said as she took his hand and led him to her room.

"I wouldn't do it debs." Lip told her.

"He's especially ripe this morning." Gwen added.

"Jesus Christ, what is that smell?!" Pete exclaimed as he covered his nose.

"Frank smells like dog piss." Carl said in disgust.

"Not dog piss!" Frank corrected, turning to face him, "Gary, the homeless guy." He stumbled a little.

"Yeah, like that's any better!" Gwen countered before glancing at her boyfriend and leaned into his ear and whispered, "Thank god we moved our stash over to your house."

"Don't I know it babe." Pete whispered back.

After Frank stubbled into Debbie's room, collapsing onto her bed, her siblings and Pete went over to protest. "Sweet dreams, daddy." Debbie said softly.

"Hey, that's my tent!" Carl said, pointing at his said tent that Frank was sleeping on. Debbie pushed him away.

"I'll hose it off after he wakes up."

"Debs, don't let Frank in her anymore." Lip told her.

"This is his home too." Debbie reminded.

"No, it's not! He moved out." Gwen told her.

"He disappeared for months." Ian added.

"And now he's back." Debbie said firmly, before pushing past her siblings and Pete, "Excuse."


Fiona came downstairs and placed some cash on the table for the kids.

"Milk money."

"Breakfast." Jimmy told her, holding out a plate.

"Did you wash up after you pooped?" Fiona asked him.

"What are you, my mom now?"

"Eww!" Gwen cringed in disgust.

"We're supposed to wash up after we poop?" Carl asked, making Gwen gag.

"Yes, Carl, we are supposed to wash our hands every time we use the bathroom." Pete informed him.

Mandy came in with no pants on.

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