El Grand Cañon

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It's been a couple weeks since learning Gwen and Pete announced their having a girl, and is now 4 months pregnant, and now has a little bump. She's been having trouble sleeping and is always tired now, but she keeps telling herself it'll be all fucking worth it in the end. The baby has also been kicking and moving around, at first she thought it was a good thing, except it keeps kicking her when she was trying to sleep, so...

It has also been 137 days since the last time they've seen Frank, which was totally fine by Gwen. Debbie was the only one who actually missed him, decorating the fence with his photos, counting the days he's been missing. Jimmy has officially moved into the Gallagher house, same as Pete, moving mostly all of his stuff over to their house. Gwen could tell Fiona was getting bored of Jimmy, but she didn't say anything, knowing it wasn't her place.


Back to the present, Gwen was sleeping soundly until the sunlight streamed in through the window, as she slowly stirred, bringing her hand up, blocking out the sunlight. She slowly moved to her other side, Pete's arm wrapped around her bare waist. She slowly traced her hand over her abs, no matter how many times they slept together, she still couldn't believe how lucky she was to have a handsome, amazing guy like him.

Pete's grip on her gently tighten, signaling her he was awake as he slowly opened his eyes at her, smirking, "some people consider it creepy to watch people while they sleep." He joked. Gwen softly chucked.

"Sorry, I just... still can't believe, after all these years... you're still here with me." Gwen said softly.

"And I'm not going anywhere." Pete reassured her as he leaned into kiss her nose and his hand moved to touch her bump, making her smile.

"And soon we're gonna have a kid of our own." Gwen added, pecking his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Gwen said, softly.


After getting out of bed and dressed, the young couple headed downstairs for breakfast. They found the kids, Jimmy and Fiona already down there.

"Good morning." Gwen and Pete greeted as they entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Gwen and Pete." They all greeted, "And good morning Gwen's big tummy." Carl joked, making them laugh but Gwen.

"Ha ha, very funny." Gwen said sarcastically as she took a bite of his breakfast.

"Hey that's mine."

"Not anymore." Gwen smirked.

"Why is Carl eating a Popsicle?" Pete asked as he poured himself some coffee.

"Jimmy." Fiona gestured towards and Pete nodded in understanding.

"Where's debs?" Fiona questioned.

"Our front like always." Carl answered, making Fiona and Gwen sign.

"Everyday." Gwen mumbled as she and her sister stepped outside on the front porch, seeing Debbie at the fence, adding another picture and number to her little shine or whatever it read. Frankly, Gwen thought it was ridiculous but didn't want to hurt Debbie's feelings, so she said nothing.

"Morning, Debs." Gwen and Fiona greeted.

"137 days." Debbie said in a breaking voice.

"When I was seven and Fiona was nine, he was gone for a year." Gwen informed her.

"He always comes back." Fiona assured Debbie.

"Lunch." Carl said shortly as he tossed Debbie her ban local, starting to walk to school. Pete had offered to take them, but they insisted on walking to school.

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