My Oldest Daughter

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Gwen sat down next to Evie's stroller, as she watched the doctor examine Liam's rash and Fiona stood next to the doctor.

"He's had this rash on his arm for over a month now." Fiona explained to the doctor.

"That's eczema. Nothing to worry about." The doctor informed, "I'll send you home with a cream."

Gwen glanced at Debbie who was texting someone, "Who you texting, Debs?" She asked.

"Her boyfriend." Carl made a kissy face to annoy his sister.

"Shut up, Carl!" Debbie snapped.

"You have a boyfriend?" Fiona questioned.

"Since when?" Gwen added.

"I don't tell you everything."

"You used to." Fiona countered, and Gwen nodded in agreement.

God, what happened to the sweet little girl that died to be my little sister? Gwen thought.

"But I am concerned that one of his testicles hasn't descended yet." The doctor told Fiona, still examining Liam.

"What?" Gwen and Fiona said in unison.

"Ha-ha. You're a eunuch, Liam." Carl joked and Gwen hit his shoulder.

"Hasn't anyone told you about this before?" The doctor questioned.

Gwen shook her head, "No, they barely speak English at the free clinic."

"And this is the first time I've had insurance, so no." Fiona added.

"Well, he's almost three years old." The doctor stated, "This puppy should have dropped by now."

"Be honest with us, Doctor. Is it because he's black?" Carl grinned.

"Stop it Carl!" Gwen whispered sharply, trying not to wake her daughter up.

"You'll have to excuse him, okay? Puberty has turned him into a barbarian." Fiona told the doctor, who seemed to understand and not be bothered by how they acted.

"Yeah, that's 'cause he masturbates ten times a day in the bathroom." Debbie snarked.

"Didn't need to know that." Gwen cringed at the thought.

"Enough! This nice doctor is gonna think we live under a rock." Fiona snapped at them, and luckily she wasn't loud enough to wake Evie up, making Gwen sign in relic, "oh, sorry."

"It's okay." Gwen said softly.

"Well, if it doesn't drop soon, he's gonna have to have surgery." The doctor informed, "All right, Carl, you are next."

Carl stood up and sat up onto the table for his examination.

"All right, let me see you pits." The doctor instructed as Carl took off his shirt for her to see his pits, "Oh, you got a couple sprouts coming out, aren't you?"

"Yeah, and I got some down below too. You wanna see?" Carl smirked.

"Carl!" Gwen whispered-shouted.

But the doctor chuckled and said, "I'll take your word for it. It sounds like you are going through the throes of puberty."

"Yeah, and the stress is giving me headaches." Carl informed, "Probably need some Oxy."

"Oh, don't listen to him." Fiona told the doctor.

"Yeah, he's just trying to get it for his father." Gwen added.

"He's dying." Carl insisted.

"His bed. He made it." Fiona reminded him, "Does my insurance cover the pill?"

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