Hope Springs Paternal

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Fiona is on house arrest and can't leave the house  till further notice. Her parole officer was coming over today and she wanted to make sure the house was clean so she wouldn't look like a bad guardian.

Gwen and Lip have been helping around as best they can. But both of them were juggling everyone. Lip still had college and there was no way they were gonna let him drop out.

Gwen on the other hand was juggling with her boyfriend Pete, along with taking care of her siblings and they're daughter. Also Gwen started her first day of working at the bakery yesterday so she brought home some sweets.


Back to the present,

Gwen woke up with Pete's warm hands wrapped around her as they cuddled each other. She smiled softly as she turned to face her sleeping boyfriend. He looked as handsome as always as he slept peacefully, snoring softly.

She pecked his nose before carefully removed his hands from her  shoulder and chest and moved her pillow into his arms as he continued to hold it close to him as he slept. Gwen giggled softly at the sight of her boyfriend cuddling a pillow in his sleep and took a quick picture of it with her phone.

She left them there sleeping and went downstairs and smelled cookies.

"Do I smell cookies?" Gwen asked, seeing Fiona as she tried to get one of the cookies but Fiona smacked her hand away with the spatula, "Ow! What the fuck?"

"Those aren't for you. There for my P.O." Fiona said sternly.

Before Gwen could say something back, Debbie came downstairs.

"Do you have any sanitary pads?"

This made Gwen and Fiona's eyes widen, "Did you just say what I think you said?" Gwen asked with a smile.

"You got you're period? That's wonderful." Fiona said as they went to hug her but Debbie stopped them.

"I don't want to talk about it. Ever." Debbie said firmly.

"We get it. We get it." Fiona nodded, "We have some tampons in the upstairs bathroom under the sink. Do you need us to walk you through any -"

"No. Nope." Debbie said, seeing Pete come downstairs.

"Okay." Gwen nodded and leaned in to whisper to her sister, "I have some sanitary pads if you're not comfortable with tampons."

"Thanks GG." Debbie smiled.

"Morning, babe." Gwen pecked her boyfriend's lips, "Where's Evie?"

"Still asleep."

"Why are you baking at 7:00 AM?" Debbie asked Fiona.

"'Cause my probation officer's coming today and I'm freaking out. Is your room clean?" Fiona asked Debbie.

"Why does my room need to be clean?"

"'Cause she's gonna tear the joint apart looking for anything that can get me in trouble." Fiona explained.

"I only have, like, clothes and school stuff and makeup." Debbie listed.

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