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Chapter 1

I hate it, I hate it I hate it!
Today is my last day in Scotland. Then I'll be in Baltimore. I really don't want to leave, this is my home it's where I grew up and now I have to leave it all behind.
I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself.
Well my name is Skyler Anderson and I'm 17 years old. I live with my mum, dad, and my brother Ewan. Ewan is the best brother, he's always there for me and is very protective, I don't know where I'd be without him. I have blonde hair with blue dip dye and blue eyes. I always have different colours in my hair. I'm moving to Baltimore cause my dad got promoted, and his new work will be out there. I think it's unfair that I have to move, I mean why can't he just go himself and visit us. I know that sounds harsh but I really don't want to leave. I mean who wants to leave there friends behind. Well I guess I'll have too.

~The Next Day~

"SKYLER ANDERSON GET YOUR ASS DOWN STAIRS NOW!" Mum shouted at me. I look at my phone and it's 4:30 in the morning. Agh why did she have to wake my up so early.
I crawl out of my bed and slowly make my way downstairs.
"Skyler do you realise what time it is?" She says in a assertive voice.
"4:30 in the morning, why am I up so early" I groan.
"Now Skyler you know we need to leave soon so stop your moaning you'll give your mother a headache" dad said walking out of the room.
"Your father is right, now go get your stuff from upstairs and we'll leave" I groan again and stomp upstairs to get my stuff.
~hours later~

I've left Scotland now. I'm finally in Baltimore after what seemed like days on the plane which in reality was only 7 hours. The drive from the airport seems to be taking forever but it's a good thing I have my music to listen too.
"Hey Sky, we're here" Ewan says I look out the window and see a large house.
"This is where we are going to live" I say in a bit of disbelief.
"Yes it is now get out of the car" Ewan laughed and I got out of the car.
It was so warm outside, I know I'll love the weather if it's like this.
"Skyler me and your father need to go to speak with his boss I need you and Ewan to wait for the delivery truck to come okay. Oh and also if you need anything call me okay ... We'll see you soon" mum said walking away with my dad.

"I'm going to sit outside okay" I say to Ewan, he gives me the strangest look.
"What its not everyday you get to sit out in this nice weather"
"Whatever suit yourself, I'll be waiting inside I'm going to look around" Ewan walks inside and I sit on the steps.
I close my eyes and enjoy the sun.
"Hey you okay there?" I open my eyes quickly and see a boy with brown hair at the end of the driveway.
"Uh ... Yeh" I stutter, I don't even know why.
"You new around here, I haven't seen you before?" The boy asks and starts to walk towards me.
"Uh ... Yeh just moved here"
"Where you from? You have beautiful accent by the way" I don't know why but I blush as he said that.
"I'm from Scotland" why can I only say short answer usually I'm more of a talkative person.
"Well I'm Alex and you are?"
"I'm Skyler" I feel so awkward right now why?
"Well Skyler it was nice meeting you, but I have to go I guess I'll see you soon neighbour" Alex winked after he says that, I blush. Wait did he say neighbour? I look at him confused as he walks out of the driveway and into the house next door. Oh my god Alex lives next door.

~Okay so this is my first time writing on this. This is just a random story I made up so sorry if it's crap. I love all time low so that's why I'm writing this. I know the first part is shit but it'll get better~

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