I'm a Wreck

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Chapter 16

Alex and I started to walk back to Erin's after we went to the Hibs shop. I had text Erin and told her we where going back to hers.

Me: Erin, me and Alex are just going back to yours. Saw Callum today and I am tried. I'll explain when you get back. DON'T FORGET TO BRING FOOD! love ya girly x

Erin: I guess that's fine, I'll just tell aria and the guys that you's aren't coming. Don't worry we'll bring you food. Also you better tell me when we get back. See ya soon girly x

Alex's P.O.V

I felt angry as Sky was telling me what happened between them. How could someone do that to her. It annoys me how he thinks he can just get her back. After all that shit he's made her go through he thinks she'll go back. I'll make sure she doesn't go back to that asshole ever again.

Me and sky were walking hand in hand back to Erins. We were suppose to get lunch with the others but sky just wanted to rest as she was tired. I looked over at sky and she was lost in thought.

"What you thinking about?" I ask her, she looks up at me her blue eyes sparkling in the light.

"Everything" she said simply, smiling at me.

When we got to Erins we both sat on the couch and watched the TV.

"Thanks for today Alex" Sky said leaning on my shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"Thanks for being there today, and telling Callum that I wasn't his, but I was yours ..."

"I would do anything for you Skyler" I kiss the top off her head. She mumbles something and wraps her arms around me. I look down at her to see her sleeping peacefully.

Erin's P.O.V

I was actually hoping that Skyler could of came with us for lunch. I mean I've not gotten to see her properly in 3 months. However I know she must be tired from the flight and running into Callum. I hate Callum. He honestly is the worst person ever! Who does that to someone. It hurt me so much to see sky in that state after she found out the truth. I mean she was a wreck. She wouldn't leave her room for weeks. All she could do was cry. Me and Aria would try to get her to go out of her room and actually do something but every time she would ignore us. It wasn't until one night she actually came out with us.

It was a Friday night, and there was a party at Johns house. Me and Aria we're going and wanted Sky to come with us. When we asked her she surprised us by saying yes. That day we went to the shops to buy our dresses and some heels. Sky was actually talking to us and doing things which wasn't like she'd been acting the last 3 weeks. When we got the to Johns house we went to the kitchen to get some drink. We didn't want to have any alcohol. 1) because we didn't want to get drunk and 2)  we are underage. Sky told us she was going to the toilet, so me and Aria decided to go and dance. We should of never left Sky on her own. It was 2 hours later when we saw Sky and she was being sick outside in the garden.

"Sky what's happened to you?" I asked her, I was so worried about her.

"N-nothing has actually happened Erennn" she slurred, falling as she tried to walk towards me.

"Have you been drinking?" She didn't need to answer as I could tell she had.

"Nooooooo I would never drink in my life. Who do you think I am. I s-simply drank out of this cup" she was holding a red cup. I took it out of her hand and it had vodka and coke in it.

"Well you've had enough to drink I'm taking you home" I grab her hand and drag her through the house. She whined and complained about not wanting to leave. I ignored her whines and got Aria so we could leave. What she said once we were out of the house is something I'll never forget she said.

"Just leave me alone ... No one wants me anyway ... Just let me drink the pain away ... He never loved me ... He only wanted sex! All he ever wanted. I'm useless! Why am I even here!" she started crying "just let me DIE" she shouts and runs on the road. Before we could stop her she was on the road and a car hit her! I screamed and ran towards her. The person in the car didn't even stop, they just kept driving on as if they didn't hit her at all!

She was in hospital for 2 weeks after that incident. I felt like it was all my fault, even knowing that I couldn't of helped her. She started to get back to her old ways soon after being realised from the hospital. But it wasn't long till her dad got promoted and had to leave.

Me and Sky have been best friends for ages. I see her as the sister I never had, that's why I care so much for her.

For lunch Jack decided he wanted a McDonald's so we ended up going there. It was a good thing there was a McDonalds near my flat, so I could bring some food for Alex and Sky. During the time being out with the guys I noticed that Jack acted like a 5 year old and when I told him he said that everyone says that. Jacks so cute. Zack was the quiet one who didn't speak much. Rain on the other hand wouldn't stop talking. But he'd only talk to Aria, like we weren't even here. I can see them getting together within the next couple of days.

Once we finished we made our way back to my flat. Honestly I'm so glad the guys came as well. It was so much fun today, they are so funny. Especially Jack. I don't think I've laughed as much as I did in a while.

~ So here's another chapter~

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