You disgust me

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Chapter 26

Skyler's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with my head pounding. Like seriously I didn't drink that much why do I have a hangover. I hardly ever get them. Ugh why are people making noise this early.

"Will whoever is making that noise be quiet."

"Sorry no can do. Take some medicine Sky cause you and the rest of the guys are helping me clean up this mess" Jack said handing me a glass of water and some pills.

"Why do I need to help, it was for my birthday"

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee sky please"

"Ugh stop whining I'll help you later"
With that he left me to feel better.

I take the time to notice I'm in one of Jacks spare room. I really don't remember going to bed last thing I do was Alex and me on the couch talking about cats? Or was it how Jack could do a backflip of the couch? Or maybe it was about food? Well the point being I don't remember being moved.

The walls were a cream color and the bed had red sheets on them. The curtains were a light color. With the sun shinning just lightly through them. The room itself was actually quite clean. Which is a surprise since its Jacks house. I look to the other side of the bed and see Alex isn't there, but I'm sure I was with him last night. Oh well.

I get up to go and get some medicine. My head is really hurting I want to go back to sleep.

"We'll look who finally decided to join us"

"Oh shut up Jack"

"Now now Skyler that's no way to talk to most valuable person in this world" I roll my eyes at Jacks statement.

I help Jack clean his house, which to my surprise wasn't that much of a mess. Apparently Rian and Zack had already helped clean some up before leaving. I've not seen Alex since I've been up.

"Hey Jack have you seen Alex?" Jack paused for a minute.

"Oh yeh he left early cause he wanted to sort out some arrangements for our coming up tour." Wait tour?

"Tour? What tour is this one and how long is it?"

"Well it was meant to just be a US tour, but Matt called us and told us they extended it. So now we get a US and UK tour, how great is that. Since 'nothing personal' came out people seem to loves us now. I mean we have more fans and that's great that they actually listen to our music" Jack beamed with excitement as he was telling me about this tour. He told me all the places they will be he just wouldn't shut up.

"Jack I'm so happy for you's. This will be great for All Time Low. I know many people love you guys." I smiled generally happy for them but I have this feeling of sadness.
"How long will this tour be?"

"I think it'll be about 3 or 4 months. I'm not exactly sure I know our first date is 12th February, I think last is may something. This is the best thing that can happen to us, who knows maybe in years to come we could be really famous and play big shows, maybe even with blink 182 of good Charlotte."

The smile on Jacks face was one I've not seen before. It's like this is the best thing that could ever happen to him. I finish my conversation with Jack and leave. I think I need to see Ewan since I haven't in a while.

As I leave I can't help but think why hasn't Alex told me. Did he just find out? No he couldn't of if Jack knew Almost everything about this tour. Does he not want me to know about it? If that's the case then what is he just going to up and leave me. Also why did he just leave this morning he didn't even send me a text to say he was going? I need to stop thinking it's clearly not doing me any good. I sound like a clingy girlfriend who can't let him live this life the way he wants to. But he'll be gone for at least 3 months. That's the one thing I won't get out my head. What am I meant to do for the months he's gone. What if he finds someone better while he's on tour? Am I even good enough for him?

I let my thoughts stop as I reach my house. I've not been here in a while. I just hope mums not here. If she is I hope she's not been drinking.

I open the door and come in. I go straight up to Ewan's room, so far I don't see my mother. I enter his room without knocking and he's not in his room. Where is he then. Just then I get a text from Ewan.

Ewan: Hey Sky just got your text now, sorry I'm out with the guys the now I'll be back soon see ya

Well that explains where he is then. I sigh and go into my room, well old room since I've not stayed here for months. I lay on the bed and start to fall asleep when someone barges into my room.

"Well if it isn't the little bitch finally decided to come back home, why did that little boyfriend of yours dump your sorry ass. Ha I should of known he would no one would stay with you" There stood my mother, a bottle in one hand. She's been drinking again.

"Your drinking again! I thought you promised you'd stop!"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you piece of shit! And why are you even in this house you aren't welcome!" She shouts at me. I stand up in front of her.

"You have a problem mother you need help" I say and as I try to walk out the room she grabs my arm an pulls me into the room.

"You can leave when I'm finished with you." She stumbles forward and that bottle in her hand breaks on my dresser. Now she has only a piece of glass in her hand as she makes her way towards me.

"M-Mom ... What are you doing" I stutter as she comes towards me.

"You are the reasons for all my problems" she slaps me hard across my face.
"You have always been the problem" she pushes me to the ground.
"You were the mistake you took my child away and you'll pay" she cuts me deep with the glass across my arm. Blood starts to pour out of my arm. It stings so bad but I can't move.
"I want you out!" She screams at me and kicks me in the stomach repeatedly until I'm coughing up blood.
"You disgust me!"

With that she leaves the room. I lay on the floor blood still falling from my arm  I can't move. Black spots starting to take over my vision. I know I need to stay awake but I can't. Soon all there is is darkness.

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