Birthday girl

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Chapter 24

Skyler's P.O.V

Alex holds me tightly as I still cry in his arms. I can't believe she's done this to me. I mean I know she hated me cause of Sam but I thought there could be a bit of love there. That maybe she wouldn't blame me for it. It wasn't my fault was it?

"Skyler, who hit you?" Alex asks me calmly.

"It's nothing Alex" I mumbled into his chest.

"Skyler look at me right now" he moves so that he can see my face.
"Skyler I know it's not nothing. You need to tell me so I can help you and it won't happen again. I don't want to see you hurt. Please Skyler tell me who done it. Please" Alex looked like he would break down if I don't tell him. But I can't.

"I'm so sorry lex. It's just that it's not actually important it was an accident really. I'll be fine I am just in shock of how it happened."

"do you not trust me Sky. I only want to help"

"Of course I trust you lex why wouldn't I. It's just ... Just ..."

"Just what Skyler. If you don't tell me how will I ever know that you won't get hurt again. I need you to trust me, just tell me. I ... I won't tell anyone who did it okay. Please Skyler"

I sign giving up in defeat. I mean what else would I have to lose. I mean my own mother hates me and done this to me. She hit me. She wishes I was dead. I have nothing else to lose. I trust Alex with everything. He will help me.

"Lex it was ... It was ... My mother" Alex stares at me in utter shock.

"How could she do such a thing to you, how could she hit her only daughter. "

"I wasn't her only daughter." I mumble quietly so Alex can't hear.

"why did she hit you . Tell me what happened."

"Well she um she was arguing with me about like going to um Scotland ... For that month and I only told her a week. And now she hates me because I'm not Ewan I'm not the perfect child she wanted I'm not her S.."

"Her what"

"I'm not her child anymore. Can we not talk about this anymore lex. Oh can I stay here for a bit cause I don't feel like going home."

"Of course Skyler anything you need just tell me."

2 weeks later.


"Aww thank you Skyler, how nice of you to remember."

"Please I only know it's your birthday cause tomorrow's mine"

"Always the same Skyler" Erin laughs.

"You know I am joking of course. I'd always remember, and not because mines is tomorrow" I sit down holding my phone in my hand.

"So Skyler as much as I'd like to talk about everything I've done and that we can't. I need to ask how are you? Are you still saying with Alex?" I love Erin and how much see cares, but I really don't want to talk about this on her birthday. I mean it's been almost a month since I've saw her in person. It's hard like we can't find the time to talk a lot.

"Erin do we really have to talk about this today. It's your birthday, today we shouldn't really talk about it"

"Stop putting it off Skyler. You've been ignoring my calls and if you answer only sort of talking. Please just tell me what has been happening. It's my birthday I want to know"

"Fine okay I'll tell you. Only because you asked and it's your birthday.
Well it's been different I guess. And Alex has been so kind to actually let me stay here. I've not been home since mother did that to me"

"So what's happened with your brother and dad. I mean they aren't the ones that hit you that was your mum?" Erin asks me.

"Well ... I told Ewan that I was staying here for a while and didn't know when I would return. He asked me lots of questions but I pushed him away. I am nothing compared to him in mothers eyes. I mean I will never be anything cause I am not like Ewan and I took Sams place. She's hated me from day 1 it's my fault. Me talking like this makes me sound ungrateful. But I always tried to impress her be the daughter she wanted. I was never happy."

"She doesn't hate you. Had she been drinking that day. You know what she's like once she's had a drink."

See when my mother has a drink she doesn't just have 1 she has about 10. She either drinks it all or doesn't touch it. She's always been a weird one with it, she always accuses everyone of doing this wrong. It is worse than it sounds. But some nights she is fine, it's almost as if she's bipolar. The one thing she always says when she has is that it should of been me instead of Sam. And it's all my fault. Always. Oh well that's my mother for you.

"Honestly Erin I don't know. I had just walked in the door and put my bags in the room when she called me down. She went on about how I should of told her and blah blah blah. She wants me to be a good child and listen to her and do every little thing she wants me to do."

"Well I'm glad that you get to stay with Alex. He's good for you Sky he's just what you need. I mean it's so obviously you's are in love, soon to be married and have kids"

"Wow slow down there Erin that's not happening anytime soon. Anyway he's not going to be here for long."


"He's going on tour soon. It's a month long tour just some venues around here in America and that."

"Wait he tours? When did this happen?"

"Well they started playing shows round here in Baltimore, they have realised an ep and now an album. They are going to make it big. So any news with you and Jack?"

"Um ... Sky i need to tell you something. I'm not really sure how to say this."

"Tell me what Erin?"

"Um ... Well ... I ... I ... Might be ... Um ... I might have ... ... Um ..."

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