Stay Away From Him!

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Chapter 5

~ Skyler P.O.V~

I can't believe I've actually been in Baltimore for a month now. A whole month. I've gotten close to the guys but especially Alex. They finally told me they started a band together and I listened to their music they are really good. They are called All Time Low and I love that name.
Today I'm going to jacks house cause the guys have band practice. I honestly love the guys I mean who wouldn't. They treat my like their little sister which is so cute and annoying at times.

I knock at the door and Jack answers.
"Hey little Sky what took you sooooooo long" Jack picked me up over his shoulder bringing me inside.
"Jack put me down! Now!" I squeal hitting his back.
"Nope not going to happen"
"Jack Bassam Barakat put me down right now!"
"Chill woman no need for the full name" Jack laughed then put me down.
We then walked into the living room.

"Hey Sky what's with that top you are wearing?" Zack asked I looked down I was wearing my hibs top.
"Oh it's just my Hibs top?"
They all give me a weird look.
"Why Hibs?" Rian questioned.
"Oh right well Hibs is the short name for Hibernian Fc which is a Scottish football team, or as you would call it soccer team" I say with pride wearing this top.
"Oh so your into sports that's cool" Jack said.
"Yeah I used to go to all the games every Saturday or Sunday. It was the best I mean I loved it. I think you's would like it too I mean the atmosphere is amazing"
"Maybe if we go to Scotland then we could go to a game"
"Omg really could we really" I am overly excited.
"Yes now come sit down" Rian says.

"Hey guys isn't Alex suppose to be here?" I say finally noticing he's not here.
"Uh yeah he texted saying he was going to be late" Jack said. We decided to watch a movie well when I say we I mean Jack did and since it was his house we had to put home alone on. I swear this boy always watches this movie. Not that long into the movie the door went and I assumed it was Alex, so I went to get it. I opened the door and there was Alex with a blonde girl next to him.

"Uh hi and Alex and ... "
"Oh Sky this is Lisa" so Lisa is the blondes name.
"Hi Sky nice to meet you Alex has told me lots about you" her voice was very high pitched and whiny sounding.
"Well I hope only good things ha" oh how I know this will be awkward. I step out the way for Alex and Lisa to come in. I walked back to the living room slowly. Alex and Lisa were cuddling on the couch I felt sick seeing that, so I sat next to Jack.
Jack gave me the 'are you okay' look and I just nodded. Jacks the only one who knows I like Alex, he told me that he could tell I did but promised not to tell anyone.

"So are you and Lisa back together then?" Rian asks
"Yes we are" Lisa says then turns to Alex and gives him a kiss. I think I'm going to throw up. Jack notices how uncomfortable I am.
"Guys I'm happy you's are back together and that but can you not do stuff like that in my house k" Jack says.

Alex and Lisa kiss again and I leave the room making the excuse I'm getting a drink. I get myself a glass and fill it with water. Alex walks into the kitchen.
"Hey Sky, what you doing in here?"
"Oh I'm just getting a drink"
"You okay?"
"Yeh I'm fine" Alex came closer and gave me a hug. It was nice.
"Well I know your not fine but when you want to say you can" Alex smiles and walks back into the living room. I let out a sigh.

"It's Skyler right?" Lisa asked walking into the kitchen.
"Uh yeh"
"Well I've come to tell you to stay away from Alex"
Did she really just tell me that? She got to be kidding.
"Are you serious Lisa?"
"Yes I'm serious, I don't like you spending all this time with him. So you are going to listen to me and stay away from him!" I laughed at her.
"You seriously need to stop right now and listen okay. I will not stop spending time with Alex cause me and him are friends so I don't need some skinny little blonde telling me to stay away okay." I don't know why I just lost it.
"Well if you don't listen to me I'll make your life a living hell. Oh and as long as I have Alex you won't" with that she walked into the living room, and I soon followed. I saw that Lisa went straight back to Alex acting all cute and stuff. I honestly couldn't take it I had to leave.
I get up to leave.
"Uh guys I have to go home I'll see you's later" I said Jack stood up and told me he'll walk me to the door.

"Hey Sky you okay?" Jack asks me.
"Yeah I am I guess I'll text you later" Jack gives me a hug and smiles.
"Okay you better text me girl"
"Bye Jack"
"Bye sky"
After saying goodbye to Jack I walked home.

~~Okay so I have nothing against Lisa what so ever, this is only for the story. Also the picture is of some of the hibs players after we won the Scottish cup 2016. Hibernian FC Scottish cup winner 2016 don't forget that bye ~~

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