Who are you with?

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Chapter 19

Skyler's P.O.V

Hibs had won the game 3-0 I couldn't be more happy. And Sam Stanton scored one of the goals!

"So did you actually enjoy the game then?" I ask Alex and Jack as we were walking out of the stadium.

"Well surprisingly I did" Alex said.

"It's was such a good game. Did you see Jason's goal it was amazing." Erin said.

"I'm surprised you even seen the goal, you were too busy staring at his ass" Jack said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up I wasn't, I was watching the game not once did I look. Oh but he does have a nice ass if I must say"

"Well I have a much better one than that Jason guy"

"Hmm well that's debatable Jack"

"Will you guys stop flirting with each other" Alex said making Erin turn red in the cheeks, I laugh lightly and she gives me her death stare.


Mikey: Hey Skyletty can't catch up after the game, have to go home and cry 😭😭😭😭 nah only joking but got to do other stuff but maybe if your free tomorrow we could do something?

Me: Well I don't know yet so I'll let you know if I can. Also I have to say 3-0 😂😂😂 you don't need to lie I know that you'll be crying when you get in 😂

"Who you texting?" Alex asked looking over at me.

"Oh, it was just Mikey, you know the one we saw earlier in the week"

"Oh him yeah" Alex says quietly.

"So anyway, where did the others go?" I ask after I notice it is just us walking.

"I think Erin and Jack went somewhere to get food or something like that. I think Aria took Zack and Rian somewhere to meet up with Jen. Now I only think that's where they are but I dunno" Alex seems nervous as he said that.

"Ill just text Erin and ask when to go back to hers, I guess it'll just be us today" I smile lightly and take my phone back out to text her.

Me: Erin where the hell are you and the others? Did you just leave me and Alex? You better answer me X

Erin: funny how it's been 30 minutes and you finally noticed that we have left you's haha very observant. Anyway we did leave, i thought that you and Alex could use more time together 😉😏
Just come back to mines after 6 that's when the guys and I should be back. Love you girly see ya soon enjoy your time with Alex 😏😘x

"Well we have a couples hours till we need to go back what do you want to do?" I ask Alex

"Well my little Skyler where do you suggest we go? After all you know your way about this place better than I do" Alex smirked, making me blush.

"Okay Lexy we will go uptown then, oh I need a smoothie so let's go get one while we are there then we can go to princess gardens, then shops"

"Shops? Really Sky" Alex whines.

"Yes you did say I could choose what we do and that what I have decided"  I laugh grabbing Alex's hand walking faster.

"Where are we going first then?"

"To St. James centre so I can get a smoothie then we'll sit in the gardens, how does that sound?"

"It's fine to me as long as I'm with you" I look down at the ground trying to hide my blush.

"Hurry up Alex I want my smoothie"


"This smoothie is actually so good"

"I know aren't you glad I bought you one" I smirk at Alex.

"I was going to pay, you didn't let me get the money out" Alex pouts.

"I told you I was gonna pay and I did end off"

"Whatever you say Skyler Grace Anderson"

"I told you not to use my full name Alexander William Gaskarth"


"Cmon Alex I wanna sit down"

Alex and me walk into the gardens and sit on the grass. It's actually a nice day today which is a surprise cause it's rarely nice weather here. You get the occasionally nice warm weather here and there. Oh well at least I get to enjoy it with Alex by my side. Literally by my side. I decide to lay down on the grass, Alex is soon to join me.

"Alex can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure"

"What's your one dream you want?"

"Well I hope that All Time Low, can become big and that we'll be able to do a world tour. I want to help people with our music. Music has helped me through so hard times and I want to be able to give it back. I want for people to be able to relate to the lyrics and know there is meaning behind it.It's just always been a dream of mine. Also just to keep the friends I've got , nothing will make me happier." Alex had the biggest smile on his face as he explained.

"That's such a beautiful thing to want Alex. It will happen, I know it will." I give Alex a hug.

"Cmon Alex I think it's time we head back"

"We can once you let go off me" Alex laughs as I get off Alex and sit up.

I look forward and see a couple sitting not to far ahead of us. The guy looks familiar to me. I just can't think of who it might be. Oh god now they are kissing right in front of us.

"Alex can we leave now I don't want to see that"

"We could be doing that you know" Alex says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up lex"

We start to leave when that couple stops and turns round. Oh my god it can't be true.

"Nate is that you!" I nearly shriek.

"Skyler is that you?" It's Nate. He's here in front of me, and he's with Ewan. Wait a minute EWAN! He was just kissing Ewan? What's happening?

~so I've finally posted another chapter. I'm slow with these updates sorry~

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