I'm Not Replacing You

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Chapter 23

Skyler's P.O.V

So I've finally gotten back to Baltimore, with the rest of the guys. Aria was staying with Erin for another week. It's been a weird week.

Well after what happened between Erin and Jack things were awkward. Erin didn't talk to Jack about it, nor did he so that made it a bit awkward. I even tried to force them to talk but they didn't. Oh well it's their fault not mines.

On the Thursday before we left I got to meet up with Mikey and Ash who I've not seen properly since I lived there.
"Sky why do you have to go back over there. You can always stay with me! Please don't leave me." Mikey hugs me from behind not letting me go.

"Cmon Mikey, you know I need to go back. I would stay here if I could."

"You know you can stay here you just don't want too. It's all because of those boys you came with."

"You know that's not true Mikey, sky can't stay here cause of her parents not Alex and them." Ash says

"Don't you see it Ash. Can you not see it. She's changing because of them. But it's our fault for letting her leave in the first place."

"Mikey what are you talking about?" I don't know what he's talking about or where he's getting this information.

"Can't you see it. That Alex boy is changing her. Along with the rest like Jack. I won't stand for it. You have changed Sky why would you do that to me of all people."

"Mikey please tell us what you are actually talking about" ash asks.

"Just go and run back to Alex and tell him every little thing about you since he knows you so well. And you've only known him what 5 months. I didn't expect this from you."
It makes sense now. He thinks I'm replacing him.

"Mikey ... I'm not replacing you if that's what you think.?"

"Then why does it seem like that. I've already lost you and now I only have Ash. Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Mikey I have to leave that's just what's going to happen, it can't change. Me leaving should be a good thing for you and Ash of course. You can go do other things you want to with your life cause why not? And it's not like I'm gone forever, I'll always be a phone call away. You know I'm always up till 4 in the morning. Mikey ... Why haven't you said  this is how you felt before I left?"

"I was scared okay. I didn't know you where such a big part in my life. I go from seeing you everyday arguing about football to not seeing you at all I didn't know what to do." I go and give him a hug.

"Well don't think bad think positive okay. Let's enjoy our day before I leave"

The rest of that was spent doing things the three of us normally would do. I have to admit I really will miss this but I can always come back so I'm not worried about never seeing them again.

"Skyler are you going in with Ewan or are you just going to stand there and daydream?" Alex asked.

"Hmm oh right I'll go inside"

"Bye sky see you soon my love" Alex gives me a quick kiss and leaves to go into his house.

"Skyler you are talking to me later about what just happened"

I walk into my house and go straight to my room to put my bags away. I've only been gone a month, and that may have been longer than I told them I'd be gone. But it's not like they give a shit about me anyway.

"SKYLER ANDERSON!" Shit I'm in trouble. I slowly make my way downstairs. I don't want to be here. I go in the living room and my mum looks furious with me. This would end two ways.
1) she screams at me and gives me a whole lecture about what I did was wrong blah blah blah
2) screams says I'm a horrible daughter who is selfish and ends in me either leaving the house angry or storming to my room.

"Skyler Anderson I am very disappointed in you! You can not leave this house let alone the country and not tell me how long you'll be. If it wasn't for your brother I wouldn't know when you'd be back."

"Well why do you think I got him to tell you."

"Skyler don't you interrupt me again young lady. I am sick to death of your attitude towards me and your father. You have no respect for anyone, you are a very selfish girl. I thought I raised you better than this. We even moved out here expecting a new start but you stayed the same. Why can't you just be more like your brother" she did not say that. Why does she always compare me to him.

"Well MUM I can't be like my oh so wonderful brother! WHY? Why you ask well I'll tell you why. I AM NOT HIM AND I WONT EVER BE HIM! Stop comparing me to him"

"What is wrong with you Skyler. How can you even still be here. It should of been you not her. She didn't have a chance, but you have one and waste it away like its nothing. I want you to do good in life like your brother. Ewan is the best child a mother could want"

"Yes I get it he is the perfect son. He was the first born he's the angle of the family. Unlike me who wasn't the first and was the worst mistake of your life. I get it mum you don't want me and you never did. You won't your little Sam back. Well guess what she's not here okay. I am here it's me not here so unfortunately you are stuck with me instead."

"Don't you ever talk to me like that you little bitch." She then slaps me right across the face leaving me in pain.
"I really do wish I never had you. I wish you died instead of Sam, that way everything would be a hell of a lot better. NOW GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU LITTLE WHORE"

"I'll gladly leave" I spit at her and leave the house quickly.

There was only one place I wanted to go. Only one person I need to see. He would make it all better. I walk to his door and knock. He opens the door and rushes to hold me tight.

"Omg sky what happened to you? Why's your cheek red? No don't cry oh sky come inside" Alex takes me inside and holds me closely to him, protecting me from everything in this world. He's the only thing I needed right now. I love my Alex.

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