Keep Your Hands Off My Girl

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Chapter 15

Alex's P.O.V

I don't know what is wrong with me. When sky started talking to Mikey I felt sort of sad and anger at the same time. I think I'm jealous. No I can't be it's not like she's even mine. So I can't get jealous.

I noticed she had stop walking staring a head like she's saw a ghost. She seemed frozen in place, as this guy approached us.

"Oh well look who it is ... My beautiful little bella. What a coincidence seeing you here again." He spoke stopping in front of us.

"What do you want Callum" her voice was like venom.

"Aww my sweet little bella, why must you assume I want something from you"  he said getting closer to sky, I put my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me, earning a glare from Callum.

"Just leave me alone! I never want to see you again!"

"Ah but you are my bella. You know you are. Stop playing theses games with me. You are my bella" he took her hand a kissed it.

"How about you keep your hands of off my girl!" I shout in anger.

Skyler's P.O.V

"How about you keep your hands of off my girl!" Alex shouts at Callum leaving me shocked. He just called me his girl.

"What do you mean 'your girl' bella what is he talking about" he reached his hand to touch me but pushed away by Alex who seemed pretty pissed off with him. Thank god I have Alex.

"Did you not hear me or something. Keep your hands off my girl! Yes I said My girl, she's my girl and no one else's. Also her name is Skyler not bella so stop with the fake Italian thing going on, cause that's not going to make her go to you. So if you excuse us we are very busy today. We have plans that don't involve you!" Alex grabbed my hand and we walked passed Callum.

"This won't be the last time you see me!" Callum called.

Once we were out of Callum's sight Alex turned round and looked me up and down.

"Sky are you okay? Who was that? Why does he think you are his? Why aren't you telling me anything? Has something bad happened when you were here? ... "

I pulled Alex towards me and smashed my lips to his. This was the only way I could think of to shut him up. Also I needed to kiss him sooner or later right?
Once we pulled apart for air Alex had a goofy smile on his face.

"What was that for?"

"To shut you up. You ask to many questions." Alex smirked.

"Well you should do that more often"

"Oh shut up Lex"

"Did you just call me 'Lex' really Sky?" I laughed and he laughed as well.

"Sky can you tell me what happened between you and Callum?"

"I guess I should tell you"

What happened between me and Callum? Well I'll explain. Me and him use to be really close and we were for about 2 years. I had a major crush on him but didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then one day we went to this party and got pretty drunk, even though we weren't suppose to. Anyway that night he kissed me and me of course wanting to be with him so much I let it happen. Soon that innocent little kiss started to get heated and I had to pull away. He didn't like the fact that I did. He told me that he loves me and wants nothing more than to be with me. But me being me I left.

I'd hoped that is dreamed it all but turns out I didn't. He came to my house and said that everything he said when he was drunk was true none of it was a lie. I believed him and said yes immediately when he asked me out. Only a couple of months into the relationship he started pressuring me. He would tell me how he couldn't wait for me that he needed me now. I would never agree to it. He almost forced me but stopped when I stared to cry out.

After that he left me for a week saying he had stuff to do with his family. After that week he came back and didn't try anything with me. He'd give me a quick kiss here and there but that was it. After 3 months I found out the truth. He had cheated on me, not just once but lots. He had a different girl every weekend while we were still together. But that's not the worse part.

The worst part is he got a girl pregnant. And this girl he got pregnant happened to be my best friend at the time. When I confronted them she told me it was all his fault. I was so pissed off at both of them. My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend and got her pregnant. After that happened I left them and cut them out of my life. I was happy to move as I could finally get away from all that.

It's actually really funny how he still thinks I should get back with him after all this. If you want to know what happened to the baby well she had it and he wouldn't be the father. He refused to be tied down with a kid. She couldn't handle it and put it for adoption. Poor baby having them as their biological parents.

I finished telling Alex the story of what happened. He listened to every single detail.

"I can't believe that bastard if I'd have know I would of beat the shit out of him"

"Alex calm down, it's in the past. I don't need to worry about him as long as I have you hear with me" Alex hugged me tightly before kissing me passionately.

~so here is an update finally sorry it took long to write.
The title of this chapter is a good Charlotte song btw.
Tell meh what you think bout this ~

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