You cheated?

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Chapter 12

I walked out of the room with the biggest smile on my face. I actually can't believe Alex kissed me again. Just thinking about it makes me smile.  I think I'm falling for Alex. I know I am but I can't I mean he's with Lisa right? Oh well I don't know.

When I get downstairs the guys just stare at me.

"What?" I ask them, as I sit next to Jack.

"Uh ... Nothing ... So how's Alex then? Is he coming with us?" Jack says.

"Oh yeah I think he's fine, and yes he is coming with us." As I say that Alex walks in the room, he sits next to me and jack.

"Let's watch a movie. What should we watch and not home alone?" Zack says finding the DVDs.

They decided to put on Harry Potter. I've never really see it if I'm honest, it kinda makes me sleepy. As the movie starts I cuddle into Alex since he's beside me. He looks down and me and smiles before looking at the TV again. I soon feel myself feeling very tired, I try to keep eyes open but I can't. I fall into a deep sleep.

Alex's P.O.V

She cuddles into me as the movie starts. I can't help but smile at the fact she's in my arms. I look down at her and see she's asleep. She looks so peaceful as she sleeps. I want her to be in my arms all the time. I want her to be mine and no one else's.

"Aww you's look so cute together" Jack squeals taking a picture of us.

"Shut up Jack, you can tease him later I'm trying to watch this movie" Rian says throwing a pillow at Jack.

Just then the door went, Jack went up to answer it.

Jack's P.O.V

Who the hell would be here at this time. I thinking getting up to answer the door. When I open it I see Lisa standing there looking rather pissed.

"Where's my boyfriend Barakat?!"

"What boyfriend are you talking about Lisa?" I knew she was talking about Alex but then again she's had so many people while she's still with Alex. I really despise her.

"Don't talk to me like that! Now is my boyfriend here or not" she raises her voice.

"Alex is here, is that a problem?" Honestly what is this girls problem.

"Well I need to speak to him right now!" She pushes me out the way and walks right into my house. God she's such a bitch.

Alex's P.O.V

I was still admiring sky as she slept. So many thoughts just running through my head. Until I hear some screaming my name.

"ALEX!" I snap my head around to see Lisa standing in the doorway looking very angry.

"Alex what are you doing with that thing" she pointed towards sky.

"Lisa she is not a thing and she's my ... Friend so stop with your attitude"

"How could you defend her. Your cheating on me that's why! I can't believe you Alex Gaskarth!" She screeches causing Sky to wake up.
"Alex how could you cheat on me after everything I've done for you. I can't believe you so this is what you wanted to talk about the fact your cheating on me with that fucking slut who couldn't keep her hands off you!"

I was about to say something when Sky stand up and walks towards Lisa.

"Listen here you little bitch! Alex is not cheating on you with me, why would he do that? And as you so happen to believe that he is were is your fucking proof? ... Oh yeah that's right you don't have any proof. Also what gives you the right to come here and accuse Alex of cheating when your the one that's cheating on him. You don't give a crap about him do you?! No you don't ... So don't you ever come here and accuse Alex of cheating when your the one who has been all along. You need to stop putting Alex through this crap!" Sky then comes back and sits next to me on the couch.

I know what I need to do now.

"Lisa ... We are done ... For good I don't want to ever see you again"

"It's all because that stupid little slut. I will make your life a living hell!" She turns and walks out the door making sure to slam it.

I still can't believe Lisa cheated on me and it wasn't just once. How could she do that all the times she said she loved me where all lies. I can't Believe I loved her. It was all lies. All lies.

Sky gives me a hug and whispers in my ear "I'm sorry Alex"

A week later

Skyler's P.O.V

Today's the day we are leaving to go to Scotland I can't wait. We are all leaving for the airport together. It's been weird with Alex this past week. He's distanced himself from us since this Lisa thing. I can't believe she actually thought Alex would take her back after he knew she cheated. Hopefully this trip will be good for Alex. Maybe some time away from Baltimore will help him get over her and what she's done to him.

Alex has not talked about the kiss to me since it happened. I'm glad in a way because I feel it would be awkward, but what if it meant something to him like it did to me? I guess I'll never actually know.

~hope you like it~

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