My birthday

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Chapter 25

Skylers P.O.V

"Erin will you just spit it out please!" I say getting really impatient with her.

"Sky I'm late" she rushes out.

"Late for what ... Wait ... You don't mean ... Omg are you sure Erin"

"Sky can you calm down please. And yes. I don't know what to do"

"Have you told Jack?" She doesn't respond for a couple of minutes. "Erin you are going to tell Jack right?"

"I don't even know if I am,"

"Did you take the test?"

"I'm just waiting for it now, I'm really scared Skyler. I'm only 19 I can't be like what will I do with my life." Erin is starting to panic.

"Erin you'll be fine okay"

"Sky I am." Was all I heard before she was crying uncontrollably. I wish i was there in person to help her but I can't be. How is she going to tell Jack. It could ruin their career. He of course would want to help her out. How could she of been so stupid and not use protection ugh.

"Are you going to tell Jack?"

"No ... Not today I'll tell him when I can. Here I'm going to go I'll talk tomorrow happy early birthday bye" with that she hung up the phone.


The next day

"Skyler! SKYLER SKYLER SKYLER!" Someone screams in my ear making me jump out of bed.

"What do you want"

"It's your birthday so get out of bed now! We've got things to do today!" Jack screams in my face dragging me up.

"Who let you in here at this time"

"Why your loving boyfriend Alex did."

"Well tell him I'm going to kill him when I see him" I moan getting myself some clothes to get changed into.

"Oh SKYLER don't forget, party at mines tonight in honour of your birthday. So you need to be there bye love ya see you soon" Jack kisses me check and runs out the room.
I don't know how someone can have that much energy for 10 in the morning. Ugh I hate being up early. I am so going to kill Alex for letting Jack in.

Once I'm changed I go over to my house to get some clothes. It seems like such a long time since I've actually been there, but oh well. I've actually gotten use to being in Alex's house it's nice.
When I walk through the door I don't see anyone and make my way to my room quickly.

"Sky is that you?" Ewan came through and gave me a hug.

"Shut up Ewan, don't be so loud"

"Sky why don't you just come home, it's your birthday today and we miss you in the house."

I can't believe he is actually asking me to come home. I mean yeah I miss being here but, I don't want to. I like being with lex in his house. Here I just feel like I'm not wanted and I am a waste of space.

"Ewan you know that I want to and maybe after today I'll come back home."

"Oh okay and I got something for you" he handed me a box and I opened it. Inside was lots of band merch, and the new blink 182 top I wanted.

"Omg thank you thank you thank you. I love you, you are the best brother" I give him a hug.

"I am your only brother"


I am currently making my way to jacks house, he decided to through a party for me, even though I didn't want one. I am wearing a tight light blue dress that came to my knees and some blue shoes. I decided to dress up instead of being in my jeans and hoodies. I walk in the door and there are bodies everywhere, so many people who I've never seen before are here.

"Sky, my beautiful you are finally here, what took you so long. Omg I love your dress it suits your hair and your eyes. Where's Alex I'm sure I've seen him around somewhere" Jack rambles on.

"Jack how much have you had to drink already?"

"Eh maybe 3 or 4 maybe it was less or more I don't know sky. Hey look Alex is over there" he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and left me.

"Hey my beautiful girl happy birthday" Alex leaned down and gave me a kiss. I was grinning like a fool.

"Thanks lex. Now let's get a drink shall we"

A couple hours later I'm sitting on the couch next to Alex cuddling into his side. So far it's been great being here with everyone. I have had such a good night I didn't want it to end.

"Hey lex y-you have a crisp on y-your face" I laugh while gently moving it off. I may be slightly drunk, but only slightly.

"Sooooooooooo jacky boy have you talked to erin at all since we've left her in that place" yeah I have defiantly had too much to drink, oh well.

"No I've not, but I've heard that she's doing great fantastic even, she's moved on to greater things in life and all that shit" something was off with him, I'll ask him later

"I'm tired ... Alexxxxxxxx I'm tired" I whine moving closer to him.

"Then just sleep" he warped his arm right around my waist and I fall into him. And my sleep starts to take over me.

"Night my l-lovelys I'll see you when I'm awake and that" with that I'm asleep.

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