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Chapter 2

~The next day~

Well most of the day will be spent unpacking or so I think so. Yesterday I got some of my stuff unpacked but I still had a lot to unpack. I guess I better start, or I could do it later. I look out the window to see its another beautiful day here in Baltimore. I open the window and sit on the edge of it.
"You enjoying this weather?" Alex asked from his room, he's sitting at the edge of his window too. Did I forget to mention that his room is directly across from mine, if it weren't for the cut tho id be able to see everything in his room. I'm not a stalker so I wouldn't look in.
"Uh yeh, I'm really liking the nice weather, back home it usually is warm, then cold and raining in the same day ha" Alex laughs a little as I do the same.
"Hey if you are not doing anything today I could show you around if you want?" I smile at his offer, I know I have to finish unpacking but I want to look around and who wouldn't want to spend the day with Alex, he's so hot! Oh god did I just say that?
"Yes that would be great if you could. Just let me get changed and stuff"
"Sure meet me outside in 15 minutes" then he winks as he walks away from the window. I know my checks are going bright red.

Once I'm changed I go downstairs, to get weird looks off my parents.
"I'm going out I'll see you soon" I know that mum will say something.
"Skyler where are you going? You've only been here a day" I try not to roll my eyes.
"I'm going out to look about okay I'll be back soon" I head out the door and see Alex is already waiting for me.
"You took your time"
"It's wasn't that long"
"Okay whatever you say now come on" Alex grabs my hand and pulls me along to move. I felt like almost a spark when his hand touched mine, I don't know what that was.

After walking around which seemed like forever we finally stopped and got some ice cream. I wasn't expecting to get ice cream with Alex but I did. As Alex and I were eating our ice cream his phone when off.
"Hey jack ... Oh sorry man I forgot ... ... I'll be there soon" with that Alex ended the call.

"Hey Skyler ... I was meant to be going to Jacks house today, so do you want to come with me?" I'm quite surprised he asked me to come with him, he doesn't even know me.
"Uh I can go home ... I don't want to intrude or that" did I really just say that? Alex lightly chuckled.
" don't worry ... I wouldn't of asked if I didn't want you to come"
"Oh okay then" Alex smiles which is the cutest thing ever! No I didn't mean cute what is wrong with me. Alex takes my hand in his as we make our way to Jacks house. I can't help but smile at the fact that he's holding my hand.
"You know you walk so slow Sky"
"I do not ... I'm just trying to enjoy the scenery that's all."

Me and Alex talk some more and we finally arrive at Jacks house. I'm actually kinda nervous about meeting jack. I mean I can be really shy around new people. With a couple of knocks a really tall lanky boy answers. He looks a bit like Alex except with darker hair.
"Hey Alex you finally decided to show up" he laughs and hugs Alex.
"Oh Jack this is Skyler, she just moved here yesterday" I smile not sure what to say.
"Hi Skyler" Jack turns and says to me and then leaves a space for us to come in. I do have to say Jacks house is really nice.

We go into the living room which is huge btw. I sit on the couch and Alex sits next to me.
"So Skyler where you from?" Jack asked.
"Well I'm from Scotland"
"Where about in Scotland? I don't think I asked that" Alex and Jack both seemed really interested to find out about me.
"Oh well Edinburgh"
"Edinburgh that the place with that castle right" I laughed lightly as Jack said that full of excitement.
"Yes it is, it's got Edinburgh Castle there ha, also Edinburgh is the Capital of Scotland, which you's probably know already" I was actually starting to get comfortable around Jack and Alex considering I've only known them for a couple of hours.

I spent a few more hours at jacks house, we ended up watching home alone which was Jacks choice. Jack was a really energetic person to be around, I honestly don't know how he has all that energy. Jack gave me his number and told me to text him when I get home, I honestly don't know why.
Me and Alex walked home together and it was really nice and peaceful outside. It was actually getting dark out, I'd spent the whole day with Alex and Jack.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow Sky" Alex smiled.
"Yeh okay and sky? Really"
"Yes Sky, I can call you that if I like ha"
"Okay Alex well I need to go inside now" Alex gave me a hug which was amazing and said goodbye to me again.

I walked into my house smiling and I couldn't help it. But my smile faded as soon as I walked in and heard my father shout for me.
"SKYLER! Get your ass here now!"
I know I'm going to get into trouble or something, it's usually worse when my dad shouts for me.

~~ okay so I know this is still really boring right now but I'll try make it better ~~

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