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Chapter 8

I look over at Lisa and Alex, Lisa of course giving me evil look before turning and giving Alex a kiss. I try not to be sick. I turn to look at Jack he's pretending to be sick, I laugh at him. We're watching home alone cause Jack wanted to watch it since we are at his house.
"I'm going to get a drink want one?" I ask Jack.
"Nah and be quick or you'll miss the movie" Jack says nudging me.
"Calm down Barakat" I get up from where I'm sitting and go into the kitchen. I get myself a can of Dr Pepper.

"Skyler" I know that annoying squeaky voice.
"What do you want Lisa"
"Why would you assume I want something" God her voice is annoying, I turn around to face her.
"Listen Lisa I can't be bothered with your crap right now okay"
"You will listen to me, right now Skyler" why is she pestering me?

Before I could say anything she throughs her cup of water over me.
"Now listen to me bitch Alex is mine and I don't want you to hang out with him again got it!" She steps closer to me.
"You can have him for all I care but I'm not listening to a bitch like you" with that I slapped her in the face.

"Skyler!" Alex shouts at me.
"Alex she just slapped me ... Cause she bumped into me and spilt her water on her" Lisa fake crys into Alex.
"Skyler you didn't need to do that"
"No I didn't cause I NEVER did that but of course you'd believe that bitch over me" with that I go upstairs making sure I slam the door in anger.

Alex's P.O.V

I can't say anything i can't believe she'd do something like that.
"Alex my cheek hurts!" Lisa whined in my ear.
"Alex ... Alex" I turn to face Lisa and look into her brown eyes, they were nothing compared to Sky's bright blue eyes. I need to stop thinking about her she was just horrible to Lisa.
"Lisa you need to leave" jack said, I look at him.
"Why?" Lisa asks
"Because I said now please leave!" Jack looks angry.
"Lisa leave and I'll call you tonight okay"
"Fine whatever" she storms out the house.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Jack screamed at me.
"Skyler walked into Lisa and spilled her drink all over her and then Skyler just snapped and slapped her calling her a 'bitch' then she went upstairs" Jack looks at me with disbelief.
"You are an idiot aren't you. Lisa has been threatening Sky to stay away for you! And you didn't even realise it did you!" I'm so confused right now.
"Lisa is not like that!" I defend her.
"Why don't you just ask sky oh wait you won't believe her!" Jack walked away after saying that.

Skyler's P.O.V

I changed into on of jacks shirts I know he won't mind. After some time I hear a knock on the door and in comes Alex.

"Sky can I talk to you" he seems nervous.
"Look Alex if you came to tell me that what I did was wrong I don't want to hear it" Alex continues to walk towards me.
"Why'd you do it?" Is all he say.
"Alex I told you why and yet you come up here and ask why? Are you being serious!" I actually can't believe him right now.
"Well did you expect me to say!" He raises his voice a bit. I sigh.

"I expected you to at least believe me cause I thought we were friends but of course you'd defend her!" I try to move past him but he stops me.
"Sky I'm sorry okay but she's my girlfriend of course I'd defend her" him saying that made me so angry.
"Fine be like that why would I care! Go back to your lying girlfriend for all I care!" I shout in anger.
What happened next I didn't expect.

Alex crashes his lips to mine, I kiss back immediately. All the anger I felt just disappeared. I put my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. When he pulled away we were both gasping for breath. We just stared into each other's eyes not saying a thing. Until Alex said ...

-okay so who do you want Alex with, Lisa or Skyler?-

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