Chapter 3: Elsa

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- Song:
R.E.M. - Ariana Grande
When I saw Hans last night I almost died. He was so much more gorgeous up close. The hockey player I have a fucking crush on was sitting with me last night. I still can't believe he is going to be my husband in 2 weeks.

I thought he wouldn't even like me or the idea of being around me, but he was so nice. He was easy to talk to and just had a calming personality. "Ready to get that wedding dress?" My sister, Anna asks as she stands by my bedroom door with a smirk on her face. I nod and grab my handbag.

"Mom is already waiting for us by the car." I sigh and walk out the house to see my mom sitting in the driver's seat waiting patiently for us. I sit in the backseat while my sister take the passenger seat. "So, we ready to go, girls?" Mom asks as she starts the car.

"Yeah." Anna says. I look at my phone and stare at the screen. Hans had sent me a text message last night and I didn't have the guts to reply. My fingers hover over the keypad, wanting to reply, but didn't know what reply to send. "Why are you looking at your phone like that?" I look up to see Anna looking at me with a knowing smirk on her face. "It's nothing." I say. Anna giggles and nudges mom.

"She is texting her hunk of a fiancé." I gasp and hit her head. "I'm doing no such thing." Last night when he opened the car door for me I felt my heart flutter. He was such a gentleman and I'm hoping he is exactly like that throughout our marriage. Mom's laughter rings out and I shake my head. "Already falling for him, Elsa?" I giggle and shake my head. "No, mom." She hums and stops the car. I looked out the window and see that we are at Hans's sister, Daphne's boutique. I get out the car and link arms with my sister.

"Let's get Elsa her dream wedding dress." Mom says as she walks with us to the boutique. When we about to enter I spot Hans and his siblings bustling out of it. He looks at me and unlinks his arm from his sister's. "Elsa. What a pleasant surprise." He says. He looks at his sister who has a smirk on her face and frowns. He then proceeds to look back at me and puts a smile on his face. "What are you here for?" He asks.

"My wedding dress." His eyes turn dark green for a second and then it's gone. It's probably the light. "Good luck, my sister is extra cranky after what I did to her with my tux fitting." I giggle and see his eyes twinkle. It seems he finds my giggles cute or something. "I'll make sure to not make her any worse." He laughs and walks off towards his siblings who are waiting for him by their car.

They have such a big family; I wonder how I'm going to manage with them. I walk into the boutique and the strong scent of vanilla fills my nostrils. The boutique is clean, not a speck of dust in sight or any clothes out of order. I walk towards my mom and instantly get pulled into a hug by Daphne. I smile and hug her back.

"Great timing, if Hans were still here then we wouldn't have been able to get that dream dress of yours." I twiddle my thumbs and smile. "Yeah, that's true." I sit on one of the many couches in the dressing room area and spot Daphne pulling out a rack of wedding dresses. "Designed by yours truly, that's me." She says, making me laugh.

"We can get you one from here or do you have a specific dress in mind that I could probably complete before the wedding?" I nod and pull out my phone, showing her a picture of the dress I want. "That one, I can do. It will be done before the wedding." She says, surprising me. "Really? Thank you so much." She shakes her head and grabs her measuring tape.

"Don't thank me, after all you are going to be stuck with my asshole of a brother." I laugh and she laughs along too. "He didn't seem like one last night though." I say, my cheeks heating up. Daphne smirks. "What did he do? He probably put on a great impression of him and hid the true annoying ass that he is." I giggle and shake my head.

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