╥ one

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Closing my watery eyes, I try to breathe through my nose. The easiest way to get through this is just to let your mouth hang open and try to picture something else.

I like to picture Carlsbad Caverns or the way the sun sets out in the desert in New Mexico.

"That's it, little pet," his gravelly voice groans as he grips my hair painfully tight in his fist. "Lick my balls."

Pulling back, I suppress the urge to gag and suck his big, gray balls into my mouth.

Closing my eyes, I work his cock with my hands while flicking and sucking his balls, this will get him to finish faster. Anything I can do to hurry this experience along, I'll do it.

My mind wanders back to my last sunset on Earth. The purple and orange streaks in the sky were always so vivid there. The warmth of the desert sun is just a memory now but I can almost feel it across my skin. At moments like this, it brings me comfort.

He pulls back and I brace myself. I know what he's going to do. All Monturian warriors do this.

Slamming his cock all the way to the back of my throat, he starts to move his hips back and forth so fast I can't catch a breath.

He's going to kill me this time.

Letting my jaw hang slack, I try to focus on breathing and not letting my teeth scratch him. He really doesn't like that.

Pressing my hands into my thighs, I push my fingers one by one into my skin.

One, two, three...

I count to ten over and over again.

When he finally stills, his cock jerking in my mouth, I swallow down his salty cum.

"Good job, little pet," he pats my head and walks away, tucking his cock back into his pants before leaving the room.

Once I'm sure I'm alone, I drag my body up from the ground. My bruised knees ache and I feel queasy.

A stomach full of his cum always makes me feel this way.

Standing before the door, it slides open and I sneak out into the hallway. I can't afford to be seen by another man out searching for a little action tonight.

Walking past the rows of doors where all of the other pets are pleasing men always makes my skin crawl. I know what's happening in each of these rooms. I know exactly how each of them is feeling.

When I make it to my room, I enter as quietly as possible. Most of the bunks are empty but there are at least ten women sleeping.

Climbing into my bed, I try to ignore the gnawing of hunger in my stomach. There will be bread in the morning.

Through the night, I toss and turn, waking over and over again as women stager in to fall, exhausted into their bunks.

"Ladies," I hear Lisa's voice ringing out in the silent room and I want to scream.

By the sound of everyone's groaning, they want to scream too.

"We could really use some help this morning. There is something going on. They are demanding more cleaning than we've ever done.

The kitchen staff really needs help since we won't have time. Please. We are t asking you to clean, just help in the kitchen." She begs.

The prospect of sneaking some extra food is the only reason I sit up.

Destroyers Little Pet | 18+Where stories live. Discover now