⥮ thirty-six

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The door opens suddenly, jolting me out of the half sleep I've been struggling with all night.

Destroyer comes into the room, his shoulders tense and ready to strike. He looks at me, his chest heaving like he's ready to kill me. It almost looks like he doesn't recognize me, like hes never seen me before.


Turning on his heels, he leaves the room so quickly I question my own sanity. Was he actually here? Was that just a dream?

Sitting up, I turn on the light and look around. Obviously, there are no signs, no evidence that points to that encounter being real. I can't sleep anymore, no matter what that was.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I pout to myself. I'm groggy from lack of sleep and my eyes burn. If that was real, why did he do that?

Still sitting in the same place, I haven't had time to move before the door opens again. Everything around me is happening so quickly and I'm in slow motion, desperately clinging to the tiny shreds of reality as they zoom past me. He is here, that is real, the rest of it, I don't understand.

He grabs me, holding my arms, shaking me slightly. His gaze is wild and it pierces my skin. The thought flashes in my mind that he might actually hurt me. Just a few days ago, we were sprawled out in the sand, holding each other and talking. Now, I'm looking into the eyes of a stranger.

"What are you doing? What's wrong?" Terror courses through me. Why is he looking at me like this?

His chest heaves as he inhales shallow, panicked breaths.

"You're scaring me!" I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he's too strong, he's holding me too tightly.

"This cannot be." His voice trembles.


Tears well up in my eyes even though I don't know what's happening. Something is very wrong. Every part of me is on high alert. My insides tremble and my stomach twists into a knot. His nails bite into my skin.

"Destroyer, you're hurting me."

This seems to break his trance. His eyes move to my arms where tiny droplets of blood have broken through the skin, the tips of his nails leaving their marks.

"How have you done this?" The fear in his voice is gone, it's been replaced by anger. Anger that is inexplicably directed at me.

"What did I do?" Everything I've ever done. What could I have possibly done to upset him? Nothing recently anyway.

"I cannot father a child!" He growls.

"Um, ok." I must be very tired because it takes me at least ten seconds before what he's saying actually sinks in. "Wait, what? A child?"

"Yes. I can smell it." He takes another deep breath.

"You can smell what?"

"My offspring! I cannot father a child. I explained this to you. I am not allowed to have a wife or a partner." His voice is so loud it rattles my bones.

"Stop yelling at me!" I wiggle out of his loosened grasp. "First of all, why are you acting like this is something I did? I didn't do anything."

"You didn't tell me!" He growls.

"Tell you what?" I'm confused. He can't be saying what I think he's saying, it's not possible.

"You did not tell me that you wanted a child or that you-"

"What?" I rip at my hair. "I don't! What does that have to do with anything anyway? Are you actually saying that I'm pregnant? Is it possible that you're wrong? How can you tell?"

"You don't want a child? How is it possible that you carry one now?"

"It's not like I have a choice! It just happens when you have sex and hello, we definitely do that!" I feel numb. Aside from the anger pulsing through me, I haven't processed this news at all.

"You do not choose to carry a child?" He looks confused. "Our women decide and it is done."

"Well, we don't work like that. I was told that we weren't compatible with Monturians. I just assumed it was the same here. If you're right and I really am..." I gulp, unable to actually speak the word.

"I am correct. There is no mistaking that scent." He snaps.

"What does it smell like?"

"It is soft and green. There is a warmth in it." He looks thoughtfully at my stomach.

Oddly, that makes sense. I wish I could smell it too. Soft and green. My hands instinctively cover my stomach, protecting it from the world around us.

"What are we going to do?" Fear creeps down my spinner, leaving an icy chill.

"I am not permitted to father offspring. It is strictly forbidden."

"Right, you've already said that. But what are we going to do now that you have?" I have to move. The nervous energy has to escape. Pacing around the room, I have to actively remind myself to breathe.

"This has never occurred. I have no basis in regulations to consider a plan of action." The look on his face only makes me more scared. He is as lost as I am but instead of fear, he has anger.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I stomp my foot on the ground. "I didn't do this by myself!"

"I cannot-"

If he says it again I'm going to lose it. "I heard you! But that doesn't change the fact that this is happening whether it's allowed or not!" I scream. "Stop repeating yourself and help me figure out a solution! What do we do?"

When he doesn't answer, anger bubbles up inside me and erupts before I can stop it. I shove him as I walk past.

"You know what? I'll do it myself! Just drop me off somewhere, maybe take me back to earth and you can forget all about us and I'll just handle it all!" Slamming my palm into the screen, I press the button to open the door and storm out. I can't look at him anymore.

Rolling my shoulders back and ignoring my tears, I walk down the ramp. I'll find my own way off this planet.

⚡Read the completed story + start the sequel and unlock 30 other adult romance titles at patreon.com/MyrandaRae


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