↡ eighteen

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His bloody hand wraps around my neck, the thick, black claws pressing gently into my skin.

"I laid waste to every enemy, now, you are my prize." He brings his head down, smelling the skin just behind my ear.

"I like watching you fight."

A low, raspy hum rumbles in his chest as he picks me up, wrapping my thighs around his waist.

My head falls back against the wall he has me pressed against. I surprised myself. Not only by how much I meant that but that I revealed it to him. I do like watching him, the strength, the beauty in it.

My fingers tremble as I bring them up to start undressing him. His clothes are soaked through, sticking to his skin. I run my fingertips over his chest, touching the hard muscles.

I'm stripped naked, my clothes torn from my body with ease. Within seconds, my skin is slick with mud and remnants of his fights.

"Touch me," there is a pleading in his voice, a need that I can feel all the way through my body. It's like a rush of adrenaline surging beneath my skin.

"Where?" I rake my nails over his shoulders.

"You know where." He looks up, his eyes obviously full of confusion. He doesn't seem to understand my teasing which makes this all the more fun.

I wonder how far I can push him.

"Here?" I look up, blinking innocently as I massage his chest.

"No." He growls. "Why do you-"

The words fade into a garbled cry as I run the tips of my fingers over the crown of one cock. There are already beads of precum gathering there. Circling my fingers over it, I collect the slick wetness.

"Here?" I smile sweetly.

"Yes, there," he pants.

Taking his hand, I bring his fingers up to my mouth, kissing them. Looking up at him, I watch his face as I softly press my lips against his skin. The darkness in his eyes shifts slightly as if he finally understands what I'm doing.

He moves his hands down, gripping my wide-open thighs as his body slides downward. I know exactly what he's doing and it makes the place between my legs thump.

The tip of his nose swipes through my wet skin. My legs tremble in anticipation of the pleasure that I know is about to overwhelm my whole body.

But it doesn't come.

He doesn't dive in, swirling his tongue the way he did before. Instead, he just takes a long, slow breath.

Squirming against his face, I rub my hands over his horns, hoping that he will start to move his mouth on me. I never knew how amazing it could feel. Having pleasure reciprocated has made me a fiend for it. In the night, my dreams are no longer filled with dark emptiness but of the gentle touch of his hand.

He leans in again, putting delicious pressure against me with the tip of his nose. Warm pants of air hit me, melting me into a puddle.

"Touch me," I beg.

He hums, licking a single strip against me. "I enjoy that sound. Beg me again."

"Please!" My hips buck forward.

"I have long enjoyed making my enemies beg. I did not know this would be even more thrilling. The things I can do to you, the torturous ache I can cause between your legs. I can make you think of only my cocks. You will drown in it, it will consume you. I will draw from you until you can give me no more, then I will fill you completely." His voice is low and menacing. He's threatening me with death, death by too much pleasure.

One more lick. I squirm. Then another lick. There is no rhyme or reason, no rhythm, he licks when he wants to. It doesn't matter if I grind against his face, he does not move until the exact moment that he wants to. There is precision to each calculated assault, the same way he fights. His opponent never stands a chance and in this case, it's me - I am the one he is destroying.

My body starts to tremble, something building, getting tighter and tighter until my lungs burn and I can't take a full breath. There are no thoughts in my head except the desperate need to make it all the way to the end. I get close and he pulls away.

"P-Please!" I grip his horns tight, my body slumping back against the wall. I can't take the tension in my muscles any more. I'm in an unending limbo. I want to pass out, to completely lose consciousness yet, I've never been higher. I want him to stop, to let me come, but I also want him to go forever.

Nothing has ever felt so good - or so bad. I am so inside my own head that I can feel everything. I have never been so perfectly in tune with my body. I can feel the blood pumping, the sweat on my skin, each hair follicle and pore.

He is evil with his tongue. Pushing me to the brink, then pulling me back, toying with me, owning me. Licking, sucking, swirling, he does it all.

The wet sound of his mouth, slurping and drinking down the endless stream that he is causing only adds to my excitement.

He likes it. He enjoys my taste. It's dirty and raw and so sensual. I didn't know that anyone would ever touch me with so much appreciation. I belong to him but he

"Can you take any more?" He moves the tip of his tongue fast and hard against me.

"No! Please, I can't take any more!" My back arches painfully, bowing toward him.

"Then give me all of it."

He doesn't stop moving this time, he lets me ride his face all the way to bliss. I rock against him, screaming out loud as a flood comes down on my head.

He works me through it, only stopping when my body is completely spent.

"Now, I will fill you. My release will drip from you for days to come. You will move, and you will feel me, the memory of my cocks inside you will ache between your legs." He sets me on the floor, our dirty bodies coming together as one with ease.

I can take him now, the stretch a welcome and wanted feeling. I know what comes after it. My body opens up for him, eager for everything he has to give.

"Please," I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close to me.

"Look at how well you take me," he groans, sliding in and out of me quickly. Each time our hips slam together, he hits a place inside of me that makes my body jerk.

He buries his face in my neck, losing himself for the first of many times. 

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