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The sickening sound of a blade pushing through flesh keeps playing in my head, over and over again. The gurgle that follows, the sound of death - it haunts me. I'll hear it in my nightmares tonight, I'll see it every time I close my eyes.

It was more than violent, it was brutal. I could hear the pure terror in their shrieks before the crystal blades killed them.

"This will be over soon." That's what he said. He was right, it was.

It seemed to take only a few minutes before they wiped everyone out. Everyone except Yaden and a few others escaped on a ship.

There were three ships that attempted to flee, but only one made it into the air. When he noticed them, Destroyer jumped up into the air and pulled it out of the sky. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. I wish more of them had been able to get away.

The sand was stained red, streams of blood flowed like rivers. The broken bodies of men are ripped to pieces on the ground, surrounded by blood in every form, drops, drag marks, pools, it's everywhere.

The wreckage of the ships fills their air with thick, black smoke. It burns in my lungs and makes it nearly impossible to see. The sounds of screaming, crashing and death are over, it's all quiet now. The chaos has faded away and everything seems oddly calm now.

As soon as it was safe, he set me down under the blue tree's shady leaves. I've been here, trying to look through the smoke.

"Another ship is coming, you will be escorted back to our base immediately. I will return tonight after we have finished what we came to do here." His tone is full of rage, it bites into my skin.

He's mad and I am too. For different reasons I'm sure.


I'm smart enough to know that right now is not the time to voice my displeasure so I don't say anything.

When the ship arrives, I step over the body parts to board quickly. This is the first time I've felt warmth like the sun in years and it was ruined by carnage. I'm as angry at Yaden as I am with Destroyer. It's obvious they had a plan in place before we ever arrived here.

They abandoned the Terins the first chance they got. They fought, sure, but it was only an attempt to save themselves. I can't really fault them there.

They were taking their fates into their own hands. I wonder if, in some small way, Destroyer respects that.

The poor, tiny Terins won't as they're being slaughtered. Their protectors ran as fast as their legs could carry them at the first sign of trouble.

Destroyer comes into the ship, stomping toward me with a glare etched into his face. "Return to my quarters and wait there."

"Where else would I go?"

His nostrils flare but his mouth stays in a straight line. It's probably better that he didn't respond.

As we rise from the ground, leaving the closest thing to earth that I've seen in years, my shoulders slump. I can't think of a reason that he would ever bring me back here. This was it, this was my trip and it was all fire and blood and screaming.

The ship flies over the little tent village and I catch a glimpse of Destroyer. He is moving through the sand, slicing through the Terins like butter. It's too easy. They're running but his legs are bigger than their whole body - he's on top of them before they can take three steps.

All too quickly, we are in the air, leaving the light behind, headed for the darkness of space. No one looks at me or speaks to me. It's giving me too much time to think. The more I think, the more angry I feel.

It's illogical. I'm angry that all those human men were killed but what did I expect?

Before any of them can turn to give me instructions or usher me up to his room, I storm down the ramp and out into the hangar. My plan is to retreat into solitude as quickly as I can.

The second my feet hit the ground, I'm rooted to the floor. Male human voices surround me.

On fire in the center of the hangar is the ship they escaped on. My heart sinks into my stomach. They caught them.

Searching around, my eyes flit from alien to alien, swords and daggers are drawn and the broken ship is falling apart before my eyes but there are no humans anywhere. I can hear them but I can't find them.

Someone bumps me from behind. "Go."

Turning, I'm met with the extremely unfriendly face of an alien. He is shoving me toward the ramp.

"Alright, alright," I put my hands up. "I'm going."

He follows me all the way up, pushing me forward whenever he feels I'm moving too slowly.

Once I'm in the room, I pace around. My mind wanders back to earth. An argument with my sister pops into my head. She stole the batteries from my CD player and used them up. I was so mad at her. I stormed up to my room, slamming the door as loudly as I could, then paced, just like this.

It was fall, the sun set at six pm but I left on my bike anyway. I remember the cool breeze on my face as I rode down the street.

After a few minutes, my anger was gone and I was just a kid out riding her bike.

I wish I could go for a ride now. I have nowhere to put my anger. Holding it in is making it grow. The simmer builds into a rolling boil the longer I try to keep it hidden.

The door opens suddenly and a blood-soaked Destroyer stomps in. Pieces of... something fall from his clothes.

"Is that brain matter?" I cross my arms over my chest, disgusted.

"It could be." He strips his clothes off, throwing them carelessly onto the floor. His eyes meet mine, narrowing as he studies me. "You should not be angry."

"Why shouldn't I? I didn't even know that there were any human men left until today! Now, most, if not all of them are gone." I want to ask him about Yaden but now is not the time.

"What should we have done, Shasta? They attacked first. We gave them an opportunity to surrender and we would not have touched them. They rejected the offer and damaged one of our ships. We do not take those actions lightly, you know this. I understand your feelings of pain at the loss of your kind but your anger is misplaced."

"I know." I groan, staring up at the ceiling. "Misplaced or not, I'm fucking angry. I would like to hit you again."

His brow quirks, "I wouldn't suggest that."

Taking a long, slow breath, I pivot. I need to change the direction of this conversation before we end up in a position I don't want to be in.

"Can I speak with the humans that were captured?"

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