⥽ twenty-nine

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"Wait, you're going to capture one? Why?"

"We want to persuade it not to attack." He looks down over his nose.

"Him. Not it." I growl. "Why am I here? Bait?" I feel my irritation growing as I look at him.

"No." He sounds as annoyed as I feel. "If he sees you, he is more likely to step back."

My mind is swirling in circles. This can't be a sudden desire for mercy. There has to be a reason why they don't want them to attack. I know it's not fear - they could crush each of those humans easily.


"Why?" He blinks, waiting for me to elaborate further.

"Why do you want to bring them in without casualties?" I'm suspicious of everything. He is the destroyer, not the - bring them in with as little death as possible.

"For auction. They are mostly young and strong. They will fetch a fair price."

Now it all makes sense.

"I want no part in this. Capture your human and talk to him on your own. I won't help you." I turn away, plopping down petulantly in one of the seats.

A growl rumbles from his chest as he snatches me up by the arm. "Would you rather we slaughter them all? We will kill the Terins, it will be nothing to kill the humans too. I have no need for money. In fact, it would be easier to just kill them and be done with it."

"I don't want to be the reason they are sent to auction. What if they are sent somewhere much worse than here? I can't have anything to do with getting them to peacefully ruin their lives!"

The door opens behind us, the whooshing sound announcing that the others have left the ship.

"Please don't make me do this!" I grab for his hand, hoping a moment alone will work in my favor.

He looks at me and disappointment flashes in his eyes before he pulls away. "Sit there."

Slumping in the seat, I close my eyes and pretend I'm not here. I'm furious. And confused. I don't know if I'm doing this right.

If I help, I could be making their lives worse. If I don't help, they might all be slaughtered. Either way, I'm going to be wracked with guilt.

I hear a human voice and it's like a shock to my system. A human man. It's so much different than an Astrynian voice. The deep, rumbling sound, the smoky rasp - it's missing. How strange to hear after so long. I had forgotten men almost completely.

Jumping up, I spin around and we make eye contact instantly. He stops fighting and we stare at each other.

The alien holding his arms behind his back tugs him away.

The trance is broken and he starts to struggle again. He screams and fights against them. Seeing him is jarring.

I know how much smaller I am than the Destroyer. This human is muscular and rugged, his skin is weatherbeaten and calloused, his long unruly hair tied up on his head - he looks like he's seen a few things. Yet, even he looks like a child in the arms of the aliens. In my mind I remember men as imposing and strong.

I'm oddly disappointed.

His angry voice carries in the air, echoing in my mind. He shouts forcefully and completely unafraid. He seems brave, I'll give him that. He's yelling in the face of an enemy that he can't defeat.

"Wait," I call down. The choice should be up to him. I'll make sure he knows the truth and he can act on that knowledge.

When I step down into the lower level of the small ship, he doesn't acknowledge me.

"Get the fuck off me! Let go and fight me like a man, you piece of shit!" His shrill yell pings around the small enclosed room.

"I wouldn't provoke them." I call to him.

He stops, looking at me strangely. "What?"

"I said-"

"He cannot understand you, Shasta of Earth. You have a translation implant, he does not. You are not speaking the same language." Destroyer steps in, holding a small device in his hand.

The alien holding the man slams him forward, forcing his body against the wall as Destroyer injects him behind the ear.

"Don't struggle! It's just a translation device so that we can speak!" I yell above his screams as he tries to thrash.

His flailing limbs fall limp at his sides. "I can understand you now."

I open my mouth to answer him, to offer him some small comfort in this situation but I'm cut off.

"We will take this planet," one of the other aliens dives right in. "Lay down your weapons and surrender and we will not kill you or your men. This is your only chance of surrender. When we begin the takeover, it will be too late for you. We will not accept your surrender later."

The man looks dumbfounded, then angry. "Fuck you!"

"Please!" I take a step forward. "They are true to their word. If you surrender they won't kill you. You'll be sent to auction but you will have a chance at life!" I feel like I'm begging him.

"I would rather die by their blades than fall to my knees and surrender at the first sign of trouble." He growls angrily. He obviously doesn't feel the same connection with me that I feel with him.

"If you surrender, you have a chance. If you choose to fight, you will die." I hope he's not offended by my total lack of confidence in my own kind. I've seen what Destroyer can do, I will never bet against him. "All of you will die."

A moment passes between us, I can see it in the sudden change in his expression. He understands.

"What's your name?"

"Shasta. You?"


"Please surrender, Yaden. I know that leaves your future open to the unknowns but at least you will have a future." I plead, stepping forward to look into his dark eyes.

Instead of responding, he looks around the ship, his eyes narrowing. It's as if he's waiting for something.

When a smile stretches over his lips, I know he's waiting for something.

A loud cracking sound, then a whistle in the air makes my heart stop. Just as the ship is hit and we all lurch to one side, smoke filling the cabin, I'm pulled backwards.

As a scream rips through my throat, Destroyer shields my body.

"Stay behind me," he growls, tucking my body into a safe place at his back.

The ship shakes as something else hits us. It feels like we're falling and suddenly we're crashing into the ground.

Destroyer makes eye contact with me, nodding as he pulls his crystal blade from the sheath. He looks ready, excited even.

"Do exactly as I say. This will be over soon."

Destroyers Little Pet | 18+Where stories live. Discover now