⩢ fifteen

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This room is different. It's big, with a large window looking out into vast, open darkness. It's the darkest black I've ever seen. There isn't anything there. There is not a single star or light anywhere.

It's almost enough to distract me. But not quite.

My blood feels like it's buzzing. It's an electrical current shooting through my veins, tingling everywhere.

This is it. He has waited and worked toward this moment. I am the reward for his service. I need to make sure that this goes smoothly - perfectly. If I want to have a chance at a different future, he needs to be satisfied. What if I can't do it? What if I fail?

The tips of his clawed nails skim up my arms. Taking the fabric of my dress in his hands, he tears it like paper, letting it fall to the floor.

Now we're both naked.

"My turn." His voice sends a chill down my spine. It isn't until he spines me around that I realize he's on his knees.

"W-What are you doing?" I steady myself against his shoulders.

"I told you before. I want a taste."

He unexpectedly grabs me, lifting my body easily so that I'm spread open right over his face. With nothing left to hold onto, I grab his horns to keep myself up. I didn't expect to be so relaxed. My legs fall open for him, spread, waiting and ready for his mouth.

He lets out a sound, animalistic and wild, before he suctions his lips over the sensitive skin between my legs. Immediately, I'm filled with a sensation that I've never felt before.

His tongue is inside me, moving in and out, sucking and swirling around. No one has ever put their mouth on me before. I've never felt anything like this. My hips buck forward, rocking against his face. I can't stop it, I can't keep still.

I'm supposed to be rocking his world. Instead, I'm losing touch with reality. Consciousness feels like it's fading in and out. This is out of body. Every muscle is rigid beneath my skin. I have no control over anything - my movements, the sounds coming out of my mouth, the tightness in my stomach.

He pushes his tongue deeper and deeper, massaging my insides.

Words with no meaning spill from my mouth, pouring out of me completely uncontrolled.

My body locks up, I can't breathe. It's so good, I want to run from it. Pushing against his horns, I try to free myself from his grip. I can't take it any more.

"Wait!" I beg.

"Don't fight it." The strain in his voice is what tips me over the edge. I can't fight it - not anymore.

My body goes limp, then spasms as light moves through me. It is a fast moving wave that starts in my core and spreads. It reaches everything, physical and mental. The pleasure is in my bones, it permeates each muscle, all of my being. I can never unknow this feeling.

Tonight is supposed to be about his first time but it's really mine. Not a single hand that has ever touched me has cared about my pleasure, about what I experience.

As he pulls his face from my dripping, swollen cunt, I wheeze out a gasping breath. "Oh my god."

"Look at my cock. Look at what the taste of you has done to me."

I'm almost afraid to look. Peeking down between his legs, I'm surprised to find thick, creamy cum dripping from both tips onto the floor.

"I have longed for this. I believe your cunt is now wet enough to accommodate me. Are you ready to take me?" His eyes are laser focused between my legs.

"Yes. But let's go slow. It's the first time, there won't ever be another." I step toward the bed, leading him by the sway of my hips.

Anticipation fills me, bubbling up in my chest. I'm actually excited about this. Since our last talk, something in my brain has clicked. I haven't chosen this life but I'm choosing to make the most out of it and right now, at this moment, I'm ready. We're both about to experience this.

"Sit down," I revel in the power I have here. He is letting me take control.

He sits, his back against the wall. His cocks are standing straight up, pulsating. Oddly, there is no nervousness. I know I can do it.

Placing my hands on the tops of his feet, I watch the reaction in his body. This slight touch seems to be torturous for him. His hips buck upward and a stream of clear fluid leaks from the crown of his cocks.

Bracing myself with my hands on his legs, I crawl forward, touching every inch of him as I go.

Primal, needy sounds are punched from his chest. Bumps roll over his skin. His cocks jerk and twitch and his heavy balls pull upward, so full and heavy.

When I reach his chest, my hips hovering over his, I reach down, taking the lower cock in my hand. If I ride this one, the top one will still have friction against it.

"Woman." He grabs my thighs, his nails breaking the skin with a sharp sting.

With one fortifying breath, I sink down, using gravity to help my body take him in. His eyes go wide and he falls back against the wall. It's as if everything- all his strength has been sucked out of him and he can't even hold himself upright.

I press down forever. I'm afraid I'll never reach the end. My insides ripple and churn, fighting against the massive intrusion and my eyes burn, full of hot tears.

"Almost." He coaxes me down, his rough voice wavering as he stares down at where my body is breaking to hold him.

Trusting his word, I try to soften my muscles, to release the tension, and just drop down. When he's fully planted between my legs, his second cock pressed tightly against my clit, I suck in a shocked breath.

There is undeniable pain, the stretching, aching burn of my body stretching past capacity but there is something else there too. Something so good.

Resting my hands on his chest, I move my hips slowly. He holds me, using his hands to help me up and down.

I wasn't expecting this. He's looking into my eyes, touching me softly, moving his hips with mine. There is nothing violent or cruel.

His horns scrape against the wall behind him as he tips his head back, digging and breaking off large pieces of plaster. Reaching up, I take them in my hands, running my fingers from the base to the sharp pointed tip.

"Shasta of Earth," he grits through his teeth. "I cannot hold back my release. I will fill your belly."

"Yes!" I move as fast as his large size allows. One cock fills me while the other rubs against my clit. I'm so close to the bliss I felt earlier and this time I'm not fighting it. I'm racing toward it. I want it.

His body jerks and his head falls forward, a grunt passing his lips as cum shoots from his cock, covering both of our stomachs. The cock inside of me twitches, causing a reaction in my body. My stomach clenches down tight. It feels like I'm free falling out in space.

We pant and cry together, our bodies in unison. I clench, then he twitches, releasing another spurt inside me.

Exhausted, I fall forward into his chest.

"I will call for sustenance, then have you again." He wraps his large arm around me, holding me against his sticky wet chest.

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