╦ five

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Wow. This place is more like what I expected before.

We're inside a crystal dome, like a sanctuary made of glass. Lights reflect across the floor in rainbow prisms.

These aliens look like demons but their home is ethereal, a heavenly church in the sky.

The breathtaking building distracts my mind from the movement of my feet. I'm walking, following behind him, motion all around me, but my mind is focused. I have learned to survive by tuning everything out. The chaos outside is drowned out by the false safety I have created.

No one looks at us as we walk around the side of the dome, a spiraling ramp that appears to go from the floor around the whole building all the way to the top.

It looks like that is where we're going, all the way up.

It's much smaller at the top, the circular hallway has only ten doors all the way around.

The hulking beast we're following stops at one of the doors and it slides up, revealing a large room with four women. Instinctively I shrink back. Since my capture, I have been degraded and used. I have been looked at like less than a rat in the gutter. The way these women are looking at me makes me feel smaller than I've ever felt.

We disgust them. They hate us.

One of them steps forward, snarling something as she grabs my arm and pulls me across the floor. My feet barely touch the ground and a bruise is already developing where she's squeezing my skin.

Earlier, I was able to try to do what the men asked, I don't understand them, but if they give me the chance, I won't anger them. These women aren't waiting around for us to figure out what they want. They are pulling and shoving, forcing us into compliance.

One of the human women starts crying. When I peek over, her alien is roughly pulling off her clothes.

My alien growls something and starts to do the same with me. I help her, moving my arms to make it easier for her to strip me down. I only have one good eye, I can't afford to make them angry.

The ground beside us opens, a small bright hole full of water. She pushes me toward it.

Dipping my toe in, I can't feel the bottom. A loud splash and then a shrieking gasp from the women around me have me scrambling down to slide myself off the edge. I'm not going to get pushed into this thing! The water is warm and it starts to move in a fast circle as soon as I'm inside. My body gets caught in the current, spinning around in circles until my hand hits a loop below the surface. Holding it tightly, I steady myself as the water spins around me, then drains quickly.

From the bottom of the cylindrical tube, more liquid starts to rush in, a milky white substance that has an iridescent sheen. When the scent of it hits my nose I panic. It has a strong chemical smell, like bleach. It burns my nose, throat and eyes immediately.

Frantically, I try to take a breath but the smell is too overpowering. For a moment I'm afraid I'm going to drown or suffocate until it starts to drain quickly, like the water.

We move through several more liquids, a greenish one, a slimy one, a blue one that feels oily. Each liquid fills the tank, soaks us, then drains.

Eventually, a thick, pink liquid that smells sweet rises around my feet. When it reaches my neck, I notice it getting thicker. It's hardening like wax around me.

"What's happening now?" One of the other women cries out, her voice full of fear.

The alien women snap at us angrily whenever anyone speaks, so I keep my mouth shut tight.

Above me, the lid closes over the top, leaving me completely under the ground in the dark, encased in thick wax.

Slowly, heat starts to build until the wax is melted around me. It drains from the floor before water rains down from above me, a warm shower. Just as I'm starting to enjoy it, running my fingers through my hair to comb it, the water stops and the top opens again. The women are waiting for us, angrily yanking us up out of the tubes.

For the first time since we were shoved into the room, I'm able to really look at the women. They are beautiful in a terrifying way. Their perfectly shaped lips and noses look human but from there things start to change. Beneath their eyes, the skin starts to change, growing darker until it reaches the black of their horns. Long dark hair is slicked back on top of their heads, hanging down past their waists. Even standing still, they look lethal.

One of them looks over, her eyes meeting mine. Her expression hardens and her eyes narrow. She looks mad.

Storming toward me, she grabs me again, pulling me forward while snarling something through her clenched teeth.

I'll keep my eyes on the floor from now on.

She shoves a piece of fabric into my hand. It's unlike any material I've ever felt. It's cool to the touch and holds its shape but is still somehow soft. It appears to be the same material their clothes are made of.

Turning it over in my hands, I search for a way to put it on. Sliding my arms into the openings, I accidentally gasp when I realize that the material presses together, forming a seal at whatever size fits the wearer.

When we've all secured the fabric over our bodies to resemble the way they are wearing it, they leave the room.

I don't know what I was expecting but all of them just walk out and that's it.

"What do we do now?" One of the louder women in our group starts pacing around.

We wait. There isn't anything we can do. We're on the top floor of this building. There is no way we can escape without getting caught and the punishment for that is something I would rather not experience.

Sitting on the ground, I tune them out, focusing on my hands. My skin is silky smooth. I can still feel the painful, swollen ache around my eye and on the cuts around my lips but everything else feels and looks amazing.

"Our body hair is gone," one of the girls whispers, running her fingers over her smooth legs.

It is. From everywhere.

"Maybe these aliens won't be as bad. We were treated much worse than this from the moment the Monturians took us." The others huddle together, talking a bunch of nonsense that they can't back up with any real evidence.

Exhausted, I let my eyes close, rubbing my thumb in circles over my smooth knee. I can feel myself starting to drift away when the door opens and a man comes in.

He stares at each of us silently before pointing to the girl sitting closest to me. She cowers back and he grabs her, yanking her up and out of the room so quickly she hardly has time to scream. The door closes behind him, leaving the rest of us in a state of panic.


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