⇼ sixteen

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We eat then he uses my body. We sleep and I wake up to the feeling of him prodding at my entrance. We shower together and it turns into hands and mouths sucking and slurping at each other.

Days pass, possibly weeks. My body is bruised and battered, worn out and aching everywhere. Every muscle is sore and exhausted. He never stops, he's never satisfied.

I know his body completely and he knows mine. He has learned every inch. He coaxes orgasms out of me like he designed me himself. Just when I think I couldn't possibly give him another, he finds it and takes it.

Again and again and again. We never come up for air.

Lying in the middle of the floor, our sweat and cum covered bodies stick together. I can't get my eyes to stay open so I don't even try. I'm so exhausted that I don't even look up when a sound from outside shakes the room.

A long, low blast through the air rumbles around us.

"What is that?" My voice is dry and cracked.

"It is the horn to symbolize the end of our ceremony."

I'm not sure why - it could be delirium - but I laugh. The idea that they have a horn to make them stop fucking is hilarious to me. A fit of giggles burst through my chest and I can't stop them.

"So, it's over? That's it?" I wipe my teary eyes.


"Now what?"

"Now, I am free to have sex whenever I want it." There is a relieved sigh in his voice.

"What happens to me?"

"If I want to keep you with me, I can. Otherwise, you will be taken away and your fate will be in the hands of the commanders." He pulls my body up from the ground, carrying me to the bed.

"What are you going to do?" The panic in my voice is sharp. It feels like a hand coming up to squeeze my neck.

"I have not had time to think about it. Sex is more pleasant than I imagined it could be. I could not have fathomed what I was missing. Now that I have experienced that kind of release, it is unlikely that I will be able to stop now." He looks almost thoughtful.

Emotions wash over me in such rapid succession that I don't know what is what. I know that I'm just his prize for a job well done but I wasn't expecting all of the pleasure that I received. It's messing with my mind. This didn't seem like me serving him. It felt mutual. He didn't use me, he gave me as much pleasure as I gave him. He touched me so softly, softer than I can ever remember being touched before.

I wasn't expecting him to want to make me his wife or anything. I'm not that naive. Anger courses through me, not at him but at myself.

Rolling over so that he can't see my face, I pinch my eyes closed.

"Why have you removed yourself from me? I enjoy the warmth and softness of your body, come." He reaches out, gripping my thigh and dragging me back toward him. "Why are you withdrawing from me?"

"I'm not."

"You are." He counters, his voice still completely calm.

"If you decide you don't want to keep me with you and your commanders take me, what will happen to me? Will I be given to someone else? Will they kill me? Will they sell me?" The way my voice trembles embarrasses me. I know he was annoyed at my tears before.

"Any of those options are a possibility."

I hum, not trusting my voice. Hot, angry tears drip down onto the bed beneath me. My plan at carving out a better situation for myself ended before it began. I didn't expect him to just dump me as soon as the ceremony ended.

His hand comes up, forcing me to turn to face him. "Weeping does nothing. I have told you this. Why do you weep?"

"I don't want to be given to someone else, to be passed around and used. What if I am sold to a race like the Monturians, I don't want that either." I sit up, pulling at my hair.

"What did I tell you?" He sits up, leaning against the wall. "About fate."

"That I have to accept it or change it."

"So." He has the gaul to look amused. "What will you do?"

Clasping my hands together, I run through my options in my mind. I can't fight my way out of this and I definitely do not accept it.

"I want you to keep me here with you." I feel more confident suddenly. I'll just have to persuade him to let me stay. "Choose to have me stay."

A sound comes from his throat. A laugh maybe?

Without a word, he stands, moving to the wall to bring out the control panel. He pushes several buttons before coming back to the bed.

"Why should I keep you with me?" He sits beside me, his muscular leg rubbing against mine. A gesture that feels too comfortable - too familiar.

"I don't have a home. I'm at the mercy of whoever owns me. You wanted me for your sex ceremony, well, I want to stay with you. You have power and respect. I can see it in the way people treat you, and in the way they move around you. Let me stay with you and I will continue to provide you with whatever you need, as long as you keep me safe."

"I will keep you with me, if that is what you want." His lips twitch as he waits for my response.

"Okay, then. Good." I nod. "I will take care of you and in return, you will take care of me."

"How will you take care of me?" His voice holds a hint of amusement.

"However you want."

He groans and drags the tips of his fingers through the sore, swollen skin between my legs. "We will take care of each other then." He slides one of his fingers inside slowly.

"Yes." I pant.

"I do not have time for this now, yet it calls to me." He uses his free hand to spread my legs open before stroking one of his cocks.

"We can make it quick?" Even I can't believe I'm considering this, let alone trying to make it happen.

"We can try." He rolls between my legs, situating himself there.

Next Update: 23 February, Friday

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