⥥ twelve

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Sliding down, my back pressed to the wall, I come face to face with my opponents. Both of them. Now that I'm eye level with it, the sheer size of him is so intimidating I can feel myself trembling.

My fingers shake as I open his pants. As soon as my fingertips touch him he shudders, it's as if every muscle in his body flexes at once.

A sharp thrill shoots up my spine.

I am about to give him the very first sexual experience of his life. The power balance that I'm used to is thrown off here. I'm not his pet, there has been no command given. I'm doing this for myself. I'm taking charge of my fate. This is the first opportunity for me to prove myself and I'm not going to let it pass me by.

Taking him out of his pants, I wrap my hands around him. Take one cock in each hand. He twitches, hot and heavy in my palm. They're so thick, I can barely wrap my hands around them. The skin is shockingly soft.

Coming up on my knees, I study them. He's so different from the Monturians. He's clean and he smells good, I'm not disgusted to be here in this position with him. The thought of pulling him into my mouth doesn't disgust me. I want to do it.

I swipe my thumb over the crown of his cock, collecting the clear beads of fluid that are already leaking from him.

He growls and his hips lean forward toward me.

Locking my eyes on his, I move slowly forward, opening my mouth to lick one cock all the way up the shaft. His eyes go wide and he leans forward to hold himself up on the wall behind me. He looks disoriented. The power I feel is intoxicating. I am bold and in charge. He's desperate for my touch, but he's not forcing me, he's hasn't just shoved his cock down my throat, he's allowing me to take charge.

Opening my mouth wide, I take the lower cock into my mouth. Satisfaction swirls in my belly when a low moan falls from his open mouth. He tastes good, like soft, clean skin.

I suck him harder, letting him slide into the back of my throat. With my hand, I slowly squeeze the other cock. His nails scratch against the wall above me and husky sounds vibrate in his chest. He's crumbling.

Letting him plop out of my mouth, I lick both cocks, alternating between both of them. I suck, then swirl my tongue around the tip, then move to the next one in rapid succession. With each suck, his body gives away all of the signs of pleasure that is building inside of him.

He starts to shake, the defined muscles in his stomach flexing and his knees buckling slightly. I want more, to make him feel more, so I don't stop. I push through the ache in my jaw, the burning in my lungs and the tears streaming down my face.

Picking one, I focus my attention on it, moving it in and out of my mouth. Using my hands, I stroke the other.

Loud, tortured sounds fill the room. Watching him, it spurs on my desire to really make him come. I know he's close, I just have to tip him over the edge. He's right there. His body writhes like he's contorting in pain, as if he can't control his movements anymore.

I know that it's going to make me gag but I swallow around him, drawing him in as far as I possibly can. My throat constricts around him.

He gasps and his knees drop. A crushing sound from the wall behind me only slightly piques my interest. I continue with the task at hand.

Closing my watery eyes, I swallow around him again, taking a slow breath.

I can taste him on my tongue, squirting down my throat. The lower cock releases all over my neck and chest. He roars as he comes, shaking the walls. I've never heard a sound like that. It's equal parts pain and pleasure.

When I release him, swallowing down what is left in my mouth, I take a deep, heaving breath. I didn't expect to feel this warm, fluttering feeling in my belly - an achy longing. I have never wanted someone to touch me before. In fact, I've been repulsed by the thought.

He growls, storming away from me, making it to the door before turning around. He comes back, grabbing me off the floor and pinning my body to the wall.

One of his hands comes down between my legs, his sharp nails grazing over my skin. He could rip me to shreds but his touch is gentle.

"This has not helped." He growls. "I want it more now. Is this the place?" His finger slips through my slippery wet skin.

"Yes, that's it." My hips involuntarily buck forward as he touches a place that no Monturian has ever touched, a place that sends sparks through my body.

"You are very soft and warm," his voice is so quiet I can barely hear it. "This is the place where I will enter you? Will my cocks fit here?"

"Um, one of them," I gasp as he touches the good place again.

"I would like to taste you here the way you tasted me." He sounds curious.

"No one has ever done that to me before." I stare at him with wide eyes.

"I crave it." He growls, his forehead dropping down to mine. "I want to drink your release. It calls to me. I can smell it, the wet arousal pooling there. I have never known such a feeling as you just gave me. Watching you gulp down my release, knowing that it fills your belly. I ache everywhere."

My head spins. I can't even think straight.

One of his fingertips pushes past the threshold over my slit and he lets out a shocked sound. "Shasta of Earth." He mumbles under his breath.

In a whirlwind, I'm released, my feet to the ground. He storms out of the bathroom. I watch as he tucks himself into his pants and leaves the room. The door closes so violently that the walls shake.

Scattered around me on the floor, there are pieces of the wall, dust and debris. Turning, I look at the large holes and scratch marks he created all around.

A tingly sensation still throbs between my legs and my naked skin pricks with goosebumps. This might not be nearly as terrible as I thought it would be.

Curling up in his bed again, I wait for him to return.


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