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I tossed and turned all night. I'm going to talk to him about her when he returns. I might be reading into this too much, seeing things that aren't there - but I want to be sure. If she starts talking, telling people that he doesn't treat me like an animal, I don't know what would happen.

It's still dark when he enters the room.

"You are awake?" He tilts his head slightly, the only indication he's surprised.

"I can't sleep. I have to tell you-"

"Get dressed. I need to bring you somewhere." He tosses me the only item of the clothing I own.

"Ok." I swallow down all the things I planned to tell him. We can talk later, I guess.

He barely waits for me to pull the dress on before he's leaving. He's never one to leisurely walk around but he's moving with purpose, leading me down the ramp.

"Where are we going?" I whisper, taking a chance since the hallways are empty.

"Something was discovered on the planet we plan to acquire."



My feet stop moving and I feel like I'm about to fall over. "Humans? There are humans?"

He doesn't stop walking. Maybe he didn't notice me stop, but he's already walking out onto the platform where the ships are held.

"Are we going to see them?" I coordinate myself enough to chase after him.

"Yes. I have questions. Your kind is strange to me."

"Are you still planning to take the planet? Will you-" I stop talking as soon as I notice the others. We aren't traveling alone. There are three others waiting on the ship.

All the questions I have sink into my stomach. As is to be expected, they don't look at me or acknowledge my presence at all.

"Sit there." He points to an empty row of seats on the opposite side of the ship from the control panel.

Everything happens so quickly, I am hardly in the seat before everything comes to life and starts to move. It's a smooth transition but I feel it, the sensation of being lifted off the ground. The ship glides through the air, out of the hangar and into the dark sky.

Is there no sun here?

Too anxious and full of curiosity, I can't sleep, so I just watch them. Just like in everything else, they move with grace. Each seems to have a different job and they know their role well. They move around each other like they planned it all out beforehand.

It feels like hours when Destroyer comes to sit beside me.

"We will arrive shortly. You need to contain yourself, Shasta of Earth. We will be in a covered position, remain calm."

"I won't embarrass you." I straighten my posture. I will be calm, cool and collected.

"The humans are in a secondary camp offsite of the Terins that dwell on the planet. We will scout them."

"How many are there?"


My heart is in my throat. "How many? How did they get there? Is it a whole-"

"You assured me that you could contain yourself." He reminds me as my voice starts to rise in volume.

"Right, sorry." I take a deep breath. Before I can speak again, I see it. The sky is starting to change, we're moving into the light. It looks like a sunrise. Far in the distance, a tan colored planet hangs in the air with light shining behind it. "Wow." My jaw drops.

Destroyers Little Pet | 18+Where stories live. Discover now