⥣ eleven

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Testing my luck, I push the panel that releases the bed and sit down on it. He said that I could but now that I've angered him, it might not be a good idea.

He's been gone for a long time. He's probably asking one of the others if they are willing to trade their woman. I've proven to be too irritating..

His words run through my mind endlessly. Is he right? Should I just accept this fate and make the best of it? I can't fight him, but maybe I can earn freedom and peace another way.

He seems better than any Monturian I've come across combined. Maybe if I'm good to him, he'll let me go eventually. If I play the game, maybe, in the end, I'll win. I can't run or hide but I can accept my fate and use every single opportunity to my advantage.

His bed is softer than I expected it to be and it smells like him. It's a strange smell, a clean, simple smell that reminds me of something I can't quite place. I like it. It's comforting. It's not smart to let my guard down but I feel safer here than I have in years.

Staring up at the ceiling, I consider my options. The universe has shown me that I have no control. I blow where the wind takes me. The more I think about it, the more I become resolved in my plan. If I haven't already ruined it, I'm going to make this work. I'll be the best damn pleasure he could possibly find anywhere. When he's done with me, he's going to be so satisfied that he will help me. I'll make sure of it.

When the door opens, I jolt upright.

He stops in the doorway, staring at me. We study each other in silence. I don't know what he is looking for, but I'm looking for signs he is still angry.

When he steps inside and closes the door, I let out a breath of relief. He isn't throwing me out right away at least.

"What does the ceremony look like? What do I actually have to do?" I ask calmly, hoping he can see my composure. "Do I have to do anything?"

"You will be prepared and presented to me before the other warriors. That is all."

"So, I'm handed over to you, then we just... come back here and..." I gesture to the bed.

"Yes." His voice dips lower. The struggle is evident on his face again.

I don't mean to but it's really hard not to notice. He's hard. The bulge forming in the front of his pants is impossible to ignore.

"You said that you've never been allowed pleasure. Does that mean, never, as in, not even once? You have never-"

He groans and his big hands flex at his sides. My curiosity is getting the better of me. Before I get myself into trouble again, I know I need to steer the conversation away.

"Can I shower?" It's not much of a plan but at least it gets me away from him for a few minutes. I can't mess this up if I'm not in front of him asking questions I shouldn't be. We weren't allowed to ask the Monturians anything. In the years I lived with them, I never asked anyone a single question. I just did what I was told. Being inquisitive would have been seen as irritating and would have earned a painful punishment.

He pushes the panel open, which I take as a yes.

Walking past him into the bathroom, I wait awkwardly for him to move so that I can close the door.

At least a minute passes by, neither of us moving a muscle. Sixty seconds feels long when you're uncomfortable.

My body is tense as I pull the material of my alien dress. I guess he's watching.

"Do I have to do all of the different cycles or can I just rinse off?"

He touches the wall and buttons in the wall illuminate. He presses a few of them and water starts to rise at the bottom.

As quickly as I can, I jump inside and close the door.

With nothing to do as the water rises, swirls then disappears, I let myself peek at him. If he notices that I'm looking, he doesn't show it. His eyes are focused between my legs.

It feels different from the Monturians. He's looking with longing and desire but there is curiosity there too. It's not predatory.

Stepping out of the shower, I don't know what to do. I don't have a towel or any other clothes.

"Is there anything else I could put on or should I wear that?"

He doesn't answer. He hasn't blinked since I stepped out.


His eyes jerk up to meet mine. His chest heaves and he steps forward, the room shrinking by half.

He presses my body into the wall, his monstrous form towering over me, caging me in.

"You look very soft." The strands of muscle in his chest tremble. His eyes close and he inhales a deep breath. "And your scent is sweet."

"There are things I can do for you. Things that aren't sex." I look up at him, watching the tension in his features.

"What things?" If his eyes could set me on fire, I would be burned to a crisp.

My fingers tremble as I reach out, rubbing my palm over him again. "I could use my hands or my mouth."

"Mouth?" His body shudders.

"Yes. I could use my mouth."

Determination courses through me. I'm determined to be the best lover he could ever ask for. I'm going to fulfill every wish and desire. Knowing that he's never done anything before, he's never felt pleasure, only pain and fighting, excites me.

"Would you like me to show you?" My voice wobbles.

I can't believe I'm offering this to him. I have never done such a thing in my life. It's different to offer than to be forced.

"Show me." He growls.  


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