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He pulls me through the sand, his grip digging into my arm painfully. In the distance, the burned out remnants of the city that was standing here only a few days ago sit, broken and scattered on the ground.

"The humans here were planning an uprising against the Terins." He explains as we enter one of the buildings. Half of it is ripped open allowing sand to pour in, covering the floor. Bending down, he lifts a piece of the floor up, revealing a large hole beneath it. "Come on."

It's dark and underground leaving me with an unease claustrophobic feeling but I follow him anyway.

At the bottom, I can't believe my eyes. There is a whole bunker here below this small building. It's wider than the building itself. There are weapons lining the walls, strange alien guns and swords. In one corner, a pile of the smarkling crystal orbs almost reaches the ceiling.

"They made this?"

"I believe so. This camp was for the human protectors. It must have taken them years to amass so many weapons and resources without detection." He lifts one of the guns from its place on the wall.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"I wanted you to see the situation for what it was. Reality."

It's not lost on me that he is showing me this, that he's offering me an explanation. I doubt he's ever done this before. He as much as said so. "I do not explain myself to anyone. I do not apologize." While this doesn't feel like an apology, it feels like an explanation.

I'm not sure if what he wants me to take away from this is that they weren't helpless, but that is the take away. I feel better knowing that they were strong and armed and while it still wasn't a fair fight they had a chance. They were not completely helpless.

It looks like they had been planning for a long time. They had collected enough to kill every Terin and then some.

"It was not innocent men here; they were well armed and well trained."

"Thank you for showing me this."

"Now for the other reason I brought you here." He takes my arm and leads me up and out. Standing in the warm sand outside things feel instantly different than they did a moment ago.

For the first time in days, the feeling is back. At some point without me, realizing that it was happening the distance between us evaporated. I can still sense his frustration in the way he grips my arm in his roughness.

This frustration is not the same as before. He's not frustrated because he's mad at me. It's a different reason altogether.

"Put your mouth on mine." He demands ever since I did it I knew how much he liked it. This isn't timid or shy like the first. This time I press my tongue into his mouth and run it along his sharp, white teeth.

He rips the fabric of my dress, and lets it fall down to my ankles. In an instance, I am fully naked before him.

When my back hits the warm sand I scratch my nails into the back of his neck.

He groans and flips me onto my stomach. My cheek is pressed to the sand. I can't see him but I feel everything. The way he's already nudging against me, the weight of his chest on my back.

He presses forward, pushing both cocks in at once. Top and bottom slowly opening my body to him. It's too much sensation. The stretch and burn, the warmth of the sand, his skin on mine. Everything works together all at once into a sensory overload. Physically there is pain, pleasure, and heat. Emotionally, there is so much more.

It's too much.

Clawing at the sand, I try to anchor myself to the ground, to something strong and real but it slips through my fingers.

"Take all of it." His breath across my cheek and the depth of his voice make me sigh. I will anchor to him. He is the strong, real thing that will keep me on the ground.

With each thrust, he digs in further until both cocks are planted as deep inside of me as they will go. It's more than my body, it's my being. He enters every part of me.

Waiting only long enough to allow me to adjust to the deep, stretching fullness, he starts a murderous pace. Fast and brutal he pounds into me, my body sinking into the sand.

As he rocks forward, I push back. We create a rhythm so perfect and intense, it brings tears to my eyes. It's an overwhelming feeling, everything all at once. The anger and desperation I've felt over the last days sits just below the surface. The sadness, the want and need, the loneliness. I've had it all.

"You are mine. I own you." He pounds against my ass, the slapping sound of our skin surrounds me. "I can and will do with you as I please. But you are not my pet. I am as much under your thumb as you are under mine."

I'm unraveling. I hate him but I want more. I don't really hate him at all.

He's not warm or soft, he's not what I thought I wanted but this week has shown me what it is like not to have him.

My teeth clench, grinding together so hard I'm sure I'll break them. Faster and faster, he speeds up until I'm being buried by sand, sinking deeper with each pounding thrust. His body is flat over mine, his weight pressing against me.

I feel him everywhere. My skin, my blood, my brain, in my lungs, I'm utterly consumed. His big hand comes around, wrapping around my throat and forcing my head back so that he can press soft kisses to my skin. Kisses that are too tender for how hard he's fucking me.

Crying out, I clench my trembling thighs and let the darkness swallow me up.

I curse into the sky, letting every word and sound flow past my lips as my insides flutter.

"Yes!" He growls. "Scream for me."

And I do. The sounds just come out, summoned by his command. He shouts, mixing his cries of pleasure and release with mine.

"Again!" He pulls out and flips my body over. "Wrap your legs around my waist. I am nowhere near through."

Destroyers Little Pet | 18+Where stories live. Discover now